Reviews for Escape From Reality
One-Eyed Zoro chapter 1 . 7/22/2009
Gah! I'm so stupid! I accidentally alerted your story! I meant to face it. Whoops. Ignore the message you got about that. But you SHOULD make a sequel, though! Like all angsty and stuff, but where Misty helps Brock feel betta'
Aiselne Phoenix Nocturnus chapter 1 . 7/1/2009
I can actually picture a scenario like this happening in the show, where Brock begins to wonder if he’ll ever have a chance with a woman. A series of slightly disturbing events transpire, driving poor Brock away from his friends and towards a deadly end, one from which only Misty can bring him back.

So, I have one tiny question to ask you: what did you dislike about this story? The drama was pure and I love how you portray Brock. It’s so often/easy for authors to portray him as either Ash/Misty’s “third wheel” or just as a typical horny teenager. Instead, you portray him more “human” and really dive into his thoughts and emotions. The romance was also very sweet. Ordinarily, I dislike stories that end with kissy scenes, but this story’s ending worked very well and I found it appropriate. Maybe I’m missing something, but I know I enjoyed this fanfic. Sorry to disappoint you but you’re not getting a flame from me.
A Horrified Reader chapter 1 . 7/15/2007
Why? Why! WHY! I'm sorry, that story just, well, WHY!
EvilFuzzy9 chapter 1 . 7/3/2007
Flame? Why would I flame you? This was a pretty well done, Brock-centric story. ... Of course, I do have a certain weakness for stories of the more somber lot, so I guess I am a bit biased about this story when I say that it is good.

Here's to Brock-centric stories!

Blue Seraph chapter 1 . 7/5/2006
I LOVE IT! Brock's my fave character from Pokemon, and I always feel sorry for him because of his trouble with the ladies...

You've inspired me. You realise now I'll be writing a Pokemon Fic about Brock?

Great story!
clara200 chapter 1 . 12/30/2003
Poor Brock.
Miss All Saturday chapter 1 . 8/31/2002
Here's another great Brock fic you wrote! .(I'd

reviewed Rejection fic a few minutes ago.)

You have a real talent to write fics revolving around one was very good!I always liked Brock/Misty pairing.:)

Lugia0087 chapter 1 . 3/28/2002
That was really Good. I enjoyed it.

I am a fan of BAMR! Thankz for writing it !
lunaxel chapter 1 . 12/19/2001
wow that was so sweet. (i love any BAM) it was so well written and everything. (heh im not even one of those lovely dovey type girls who cry over ever romantic thing that comes by).
Lavenderangel chapter 1 . 9/7/2001
Awww... great fic. The ending was especially good. Nothing was 'sealed with a kiss, like with most Pokeshippy fics I've read. Great job!
Inaya chapter 1 . 6/21/2001
Well, I don't follow BaM, but it was extremely well written and nice and dark ::purr:: Up to your usual standards. Keep it up! -Inaya-
Steen chapter 1 . 5/26/2001
HA HA! I ain't flamin' ya 'cause i really liked this story.

*Runs off laughing like a lunatic*
Vulpix of the Looney Bin chapter 1 . 5/6/2001
I read this before and didn't reveiw it! LOVE YOUR FICS!
Chibikat chapter 1 . 4/14/2001
Aaaaaw. . . *sniff sniff* That was a wonderful piece of work. I could imagine everything happening. . . you have a gift, my friend. Use it well. P.S.: Why the hell would anyone wanna flame you? It was an awesome story! Obviously the people who flame ya don't know what it's like to write a story; all the time and commitment it takes. Don't worry about them. The only suggestion I'd make is that Misty and Ash sweared too casually, 'cause they don't usually do that. Other than that. . . lovely. Tzaizen! -Chibikat
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