Reviews for The Hardest Choice
Kali101 chapter 11 . 9/21/2008
It was awesome and all butvery very confusing..I still didnt get it...all that I got was jimmy loved cindy and cindy loved jimmy...But yeah Great job! Just focus on making it way more clear to understand:)

AngelaCoryShipper chapter 9 . 8/17/2007
wow so much kissing going on. It is not like Jimmy do admit all this stuff. It sounds like her is obsessed with her. I didnt like it when amy convinced Cindy that Jimmy was her brother but I did feel the pain they went through the whole time. This would honestly make a wonderful episode , knowing Jimmy he would confess all of this to Libby because after all she is Cindy's best friend and she does know how to keep a secret. It shouldnt that far into the future. The whole thing about Jimmy seeing other girls and getting over Cindy is not going to happen on the actual show because his love for cindy is huge and everyone could tell because its so basically opened his heart out to a complete stranger and that was so brave of him but I mean Cindy would have not done this in a million years. Cindy would not sleep with Nick because she knows that it is wrong. Send it in to the producers of the show and see if they like it because I guarantee you that half of this stuff in here is going to be cut off because it is very unlikely to happen in reality on the show but you do have talent hun. Keep the amazing writing. I am very impressed. It must have taken you a long time to write all of this. I am looking forward to reading more of your stories. Luv ya.
Fictional Hobo chapter 11 . 3/22/2006
Dang, THIS STORY ROCKED MY SOCKS!...wait, i'm not wearing socks...oh well, anyways, great job!, very good description, long and interesting chapters, this story should have like 80 reviews or somethin', congrats because this is one of the best fics that I have ever read!

Until next time

Ha, Mrs Olsen...are you being ironic about the Olsen twins?

greg9570 chapter 11 . 11/6/2005
Brilliantly written, emotional, empowering, and just darn good!
fanjimmy chapter 11 . 9/16/2004
This was the best last chapter that I have read in a while.
Just-an-Echo chapter 11 . 9/16/2004
Aw! How sweet! That was an excellent way to end the story! I hope to read another fic from you really soon! Thanks for writing this one!
Majestic Twelve chapter 11 . 9/16/2004
Wonderful final chapter! Excellent! The only thing I've a question on is this: You said "Her face is covered with scars.. " about Cindy...and my question is...Cindy has scars? Anyway, great story! I look forward to reading your wonderful stories in the future!
fanjimmy chapter 10 . 9/14/2004
At least she got her memory back.
fanjimmy chapter 9 . 9/14/2004
That was a low blow.
fanjimmy chapter 8 . 9/14/2004
I wonder how he got there.
fanjimmy chapter 7 . 9/14/2004
How horrible.
fanjimmy chapter 6 . 9/14/2004
I wonder why he kissed her.
School of Hard Knocks chapter 10 . 9/14/2004
DAMN!This story is Good.I kinda got confused on the Jimmy trying to get Cindys memory yea i was can u ,u updated a lot me i dont even update my stories.

Just-an-Echo chapter 10 . 9/14/2004
Oh no! Poor Cindy! We need some brain blasts Jimmy! LOL! Thanks for posting! I'd love to read another chapter pretty soon!
Majestic Twelve chapter 10 . 9/14/2004
Extremely suspenseful! Please update!
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