Reviews for Simply Irresistible
movieholic chapter 5 . 4/28/2008
Please continue!
Wicked R chapter 3 . 6/7/2007
this line is absolutely bril

“Well, have I ever tried to cover up the fact that I had sex before?”
Wicked R chapter 1 . 6/7/2007
I really got the feeling of Christian's inner world here. It's appropiate for him to draw and work through his stress that way since he's not a talker.
Rose Madder chapter 2 . 1/25/2005
This is so good! I love it.

The part with Grace stomping on Christian's foot to make him shut up was hilarious, and I could just see the looks on their faces as it happened.

I also loved it when she threw his trademarked question back at him, and the tension that is building up between them.

I'm way past my bedtime and won't be able to read the next chapters tonight, but I'm definitely coming back for more tomorrow.
vampchik chapter 1 . 11/6/2004
i'm a big christian fan , too so i love this story. you gotta write more.
skyduster1023 chapter 1 . 9/1/2004
TY for the story...anxious to see what direction Christian is headed...update soon!