Reviews for Picture
The JamesS chapter 1 . 11/9/2012
I love your story it was great.
HTchime chapter 1 . 6/1/2006
hio_ hehe didn't expect that you'd be eternal sailorM:) It's been awhile since i started reading fanfics again and even though you've written this almost 2 years ago, this is the first time I've stumbled upon it. Although I have read your other fics before, I think even before you came to I read them at your website before, i don't think it was called darkmagick back then or was it, hehe i forgot)though i guess i didn't give much reviews back then, and even now i guess. hehe well getting back to the topic of actually reviewing, i like this story, it's sweet, simple and true to the characters of the anime:) There's not that much kind of stories nowadays _;
craza2k chapter 1 . 2/8/2005
*Dies of happiness*

I just recently watched the Sailor Stars series of Sailor Moon and I've been absolutely aching to find a story that continues the plot from there on. Especially one that is a non-Usagi/Mamoru coupling. *Dies a bit more at the thought of Seiya* I see that you've written just one part of Picture, although I'm wondering why you don't seem to be continuing it. There's just so many possibilites from here on...

*Fantasizes about Mamoru getting on another doomed plane and the return of Seiya* Okay, perhaps that is a bit too mundane for what you've written so far. I urge you to please continue. This story that you've created is far too good to just drop.
Rae-Rae chapter 1 . 12/1/2004
Wow! This story is really off to a good start. I love the plot and your style, and you're actually making the idea of Usagi and Seiya together work for me (and that is no small accomplishment)!

My only really complaint is that I couldn't find Mamoru's reaction to Usagi's news quite believable. There was no expression of pain or anger. It was almost like he didn't really care that the girl he loves had found someone else! Now, don't get me wrong; I can totally buy Mamoru's outward actions (telling Usagi it's all right, even marrying her to help with the baby), but I think he definately needed some internal suffering.

Also, I have a minor quibble- in the fic, the character use 'Inner' and 'Outer' a lot to refer to the different groups of senshi. However those terms are never actually used in the Sailor Moon anime or manga. Like I said, it's a minor quibble, but it really stood out, especially since you did such a faithful job working with all of Usagi's many nicknames.

Anyways, please continue! I'm looking forward to finding out what happens!
SMAngel21190 chapter 1 . 10/19/2004
Great beginning. I like the plot. Small problem with the spelling though. You call Serena Usako halfway through and then switch to her correct japanese name, Usagi. Reposting this with corrected spelling might be best, as it will keep others from getting confused. Other than that, this is great, I can't believe it's only gotten two reviews with mine included so far. Please contine soon
ShadowSandrock chapter 1 . 9/2/2004
Terrific! Absolutely terrific.