Reviews for Unfair Rule
writingisrelaxing chapter 1 . 3/12/2018
When the "NO! NOT THIS TIME!" dialogue, I was imagining Bloo and Mac saying that as one person and it gave me goosebumps.

Also the end made me freaking cry so much oh my god about letting go of your childhood when YOU feel prepared and not when society tells is "normal". This punched me right in the feels damn it I love u
Fosters Fan chapter 1 . 9/16/2017
Okay, I totally understand this and I get where Mac's coming from! Here is a boy forced to be looked after by his jerky older brother who bullies him and has a mom who never does a thing about it because she's so busy. Mac has to follow the rules all the time and he suffers for it. Mac created Bloo to help him tear down the rules when they weren't fair and help him fight back against jerks like Terrence. If it weren't for Bloo, he'd be suffering with nobody to help him. I get that Mac is forced to grow up in these certain circumstance and quite frankly, I hate having to grow up. Growing up means leaving behind all the good stuff your childhood gave that defined you as a kid and having to do grown up things that aren't fair. I wish society would just stop forcing people to grow up and let kids be kids. I'm only mostly mature now, but still cling onto my childhood with everything I've got and I'm never letting it go. A piece of advice to the future generation, never let go of your childhood and keep your imaginary friends.
Fosters fan chapter 1 . 9/10/2017
Aww, this is sweet! No wonder Mac created Blue!
CMR Rosa chapter 1 . 1/24/2017
Wow just wow you blow my mind, I also was wondering why Max would make a friend like Bloo but your reason make perfect sense, thank you for making this story.
TheGoldenYoshichu chapter 1 . 3/15/2016
Dang, you sir/madam have hit the metaphorical nail on the head. Mac is forced to put up with so much foul treatment from Terrence, being ignored by his mother, ostracized by society (I've never seen him interact with any other human kids save for Goo and when he tried to be 'cool' in Bye Bye Nerdie), and who knows what else. I used to think that Bloo was a jerk but now I can see him as another side to Mac that longs to surface but is always repressed and is forced to appear in a different form (Bloo being an imaginary friend). Mac's mother seems so busy but can she really not understand that Mac most likely never would have imagined Bloo had it not been for Terrence? He torments the poor kid who has nobody to defend himself (since his mother is rarely home and his father is nonexistent) so it's only natural that he should want to have Bloo around. This story shows exactly why maturity is a terrible thing to force upon someone. A person should never be forced to conform to a lifestyle that he/she hates because that's what's considered acceptable. I've read some great stories on this website but never have I seen one with a moral as deep and well written as this. Mac's emotions and actions as well as Bloo's personality were used perfectly and I commend you for it. -TheGoldenYoshichu
iheartkatamari chapter 1 . 11/11/2014
This is a very clever and profound look into Mac's emotions, which explains very much.
acosta perez jose ramiro chapter 1 . 10/20/2014
Hey, very good analysis here; and yeah, it's a good explanation of why Bloo is such a chronic rule-breaker.

Keep the good writing.
MasterMeister999 chapter 1 . 10/16/2014


There is a lot that I want to say on this subject. I feel that I have kept to myself for far too long and if keep myself quiet any longer then nothing will change. I feel that have to call out my piece so things can possibly change for the future.

I have had a conversation with myself about this problem and have in conclusion come to Mac’s defense. I am no family therapist and I hate to sound over-dramatic, but if I was in Mac’s shoes, I would either run away and put myself up for adoption or kill myself at the worst. Having been around the block a few times, it’s my firm belief that children can be much smarter than most adults anticipate, and Mac is no exception.

Mac is probably my absolute favorite cartoon character because he is so smart and creative for his age and I feel his intelligence is incredibly undermined. Heck, I even believe that there are bits of evidence here and there suggesting that he may have Asperger’s Syndrome just like me. We both have a wide vocabulary and imagination but have difficulty in social situations. I feel that he and I are kindred spirits and I absolutely despise how he has been treated throughout the show’s run.

I used to wonder if Mac was made to suffer what with his careless mother, bully older brother, obnoxious imaginary friend, and implied to deceased or divorced father. I used to believe that Mac never had a choice in what went on around, but after looking to other places, I realized that I was wrong. Mac has always had a choice and he never realized it himself until he went to Foster’s and met everyone. In my opinion, Mac is so much smarter than most kids his age and that is what is suppose to make him unique, and it greatly irritates me when others say that he is just a kid and that bullies like Terrence are "misunderstood."

Mac’s mother has always been in the wrong in every decision she has made. From forcing her child to give up a living being and possibly security blanket for his father to threatening to move out, she is someone I would not like to have as my mother. If Mac’s mother knew any better, she would realize that she sorely underestimates her 8-year old son and that it is Terrence who needs to have an eye kept on. Mac’s mother had no right to force her child to grow up when it was clear that he was already mature for his age.

I despise how misjudged Mac is intellectually. Let us take when she threatened to move out and Terrence teased that they would be moving to Singapore. Mac fell for it hook, line, and sinker without questioning what in the world her mother could possibly ever be looking for in Southeast Asia.

I very much prefer Mac’s relationship with Frankie because it is probably the only productive adult-to-child relationship the show had to offer. I feel that Frankie would make a wonderful older sister or even a better mother and his current one. Her interactions with him are far more ideal than his mother’s careless, robotic, and bossy attitude that so opposes Mac’s child-like innocence and carefree yet intelligent nature.

There is so much more that I want to talk about, like Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends in general, but we can save that for another time. If anyone wants to continue this conversation, feel free to let me know.
otakunerd247 chapter 1 . 1/27/2014
Extremely well done for the first ever Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends story! Because we ALL know that it's like, the best show ever, right? ;)
reindeerguardian chapter 1 . 10/21/2012
Saphirabrightscale chapter 1 . 8/26/2012
Wow I never knew Mac had it this hard but what he says is true. We don't always have to let go of our childhood just because we grow up. It maybe the solution to our problems.
KyaryPamyuPamyu chapter 1 . 7/12/2012
I wanted to go back to find one of the oldest Foster's fanfics, and I found yours. This was one of my favorite shows when I was younger, and if I could go back to the exact day that you uploaded this fic, I would.

This was amazing and great and gave me nostalgia. Thank you.
thepinkscrunchie chapter 1 . 7/23/2011
A very well written, vividly-scripted script of Mac's feelings. Honest, truthful, and realistic. Definitely one of the best Foster's stories.

I.D.Gr chapter 1 . 2/15/2011
Wow this was amazing! I love how you were able to really get inside Mac's head so well and it adds an interesting depth to the show ( and Mac ) I never thought of before!
LIMBO Dib chapter 1 . 9/4/2010
That was amazing. Simply amazing. I love the way you portrayed Mac, too. :3
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