Reviews for Reassurance
rebecca-in-blue chapter 1 . 4/7/2016
Oh, this is such an angsty, well-written scene of Valjean fleeing the barricade with Marius. I love how even as he's dying, Courfeyrac is still trying to protect Marius, and also the parallels between Valjean reassuring the dying young man by promising to protect Marius, as he reassured the dying Fantine by promising to protect Cosette. Wonderful work.
Sleepless Eremite chapter 1 . 10/16/2014
Wow, this story is ten years old, but I just found it and I LOVED it. This was so beautiful. I had tears in my eyes when I read the end. Thank you for sharing this.
stagepageandscreen chapter 1 . 12/15/2013
My feels are all broken. All of them. Broken. Thanks for that. *starts sobbing*
SPAS or Libz
RandmWriter chapter 1 . 6/16/2013
"It only stood to reason that her father was a saint."

L-l-let me just ask you one question... Why? Why did you have to write such a beautiful fic! *Bawls* Man! That last line killed me! You are s-s-so Awe-s-some dude... Keep writing! Please you are awesome! Valjean is my favorite character! Keep up the awesome work!

-RW ;)

P.S. : Feel free to PM me! Bye! :)
Argentus chapter 1 . 1/31/2013
I thought I’d be reading a Javert piece, but oh my heart, this is so much better! Thinking about Marius and Courfeyrac and their friendship makes me want to cry. Also, Courfeyrac saying that Marius hasn’t got sense makes me laugh and think of that part in the book where he makes fun of Marius dressing up for Cosette.

Plus it is so very Valjean to stop and pledge a dying boy that his friend is safe. *sob*

Love this piece! The emotional one-two punch of the last two lines? Perfection.
Miss Pontmercy chapter 1 . 7/13/2009
I love this story, and I find it touching and heartbreaking. And as guilty as I feel about it, I did laugh when Courfeyrac said "He hasn't any... sense." Ha! It's true!
L'AmatricedeTrappes chapter 1 . 4/20/2005
This is very haunting and so sad. Courfeyrac's comment about Marius not having any sense is very fitting for both characters, actually it's the first thing I think of when someone mentions Marius. I love the ending, especially since Courfeyrac seems to be in a peaceful state, which makes me happy. This fic is oddly comforting, and it will definately stick with me for a long time...Beautiful...
Cecilia Carlton chapter 1 . 2/17/2005
I've just read this again. It's still beautiful. *tear*
Shadow131 chapter 1 . 1/25/2005
Courfeyrac! *sob* Nu! It's not fair! He's so cool! That's really, really sweet. And you're right. Marius doesn't have any sense What a wonderful little fic! It brings a tear to the eye
AmZ chapter 1 . 12/26/2004
very nice! esp. the quip about Marius having no sense. which is certainly true. :)
la chiede il tuo cor chapter 1 . 12/11/2004
You are *amazing*.
Doc M chapter 1 . 12/3/2004
Touching and beautifully written!

Well done!


Doc M
YoukoElfMaiden chapter 1 . 10/16/2004
Very short, but very powerful. This was so great! The last two sentences were the best. Keep writing!
Mlle Verity le Virago chapter 1 . 9/25/2004
Very cute vignet.
LesMisLoonyagain chapter 1 . 9/17/2004
I love this so much that I read it again. I haven't done that since the days of the amazing Mystical Chinchilla.
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