Reviews for Crossings
little.lost.panda chapter 1 . 10/13/2010
That was very good.
Apple from Mars chapter 1 . 2/24/2003
Wahoo! Another wonderful fic from you! I loved how she ran into Michael. Heh. Very, very good job!
Emily chapter 1 . 11/5/2002
This is a wonderful fic - it has Mimi in character, with realistic feelikngs over her move. I really enjoyedthe way she kept bringing everything back to her friends ("Seeing all the shops had been exciting up until the point where she realized that her friends weren’t there to share it.") Wonderful.

I hope you will, at some point, write more Mimi fics - you write her very well. _


P.S. Was I the only one who detected the slightest ting of Jyoumi in there? _~ Good job!
Terra-fying chapter 1 . 9/14/2002
This was really nice, and in character, too! It made perfect sense and was an interesting insight to what Mimi may have felt about moving away from Japan and having to grow accustomed to her new home in America. It's really great to see fics that give her depth like this, too. .
Butterfly chapter 1 . 3/30/2002
Your fics are always really touching!
neslo chapter 1 . 9/27/2001
Oh, this was so good. Poor Mimi. I could imagine how this would be hard for her. But she met Micheal. That's good. Great fic.
jokajoker Sign in later maybe chapter 1 . 7/26/2001
Whooo! Hey, I haven't been around lately - sorry I haven't read any more of your stories... x_x This is a great piece of work, Rachel! I'd never think of Mimi like that. I love this! Yeah! g.g Well, I'll just stop now... Good luck with the writer's block...if you still have it. ]
fieldofyellowdandelions chapter 1 . 7/15/2001
What I like: I really enjoyed how you wrote Mimi. It sounds like Mimi, the whole being stubborn and refusing to cross the street, with some deep, inner thought. I like it. Plus, I can relate. I hate moving and I can't imagine moving to a whole new country where I didn't know the language.

What I didn't like: Can't think of anything.
SilverKitsune1 chapter 1 . 7/15/2001
That was an awsome story. I always did feel sorry for poor Mimi.
Skyfire chapter 1 . 6/26/2001
Oh rachel it was so wonderful i loved it!
Mary Canada chapter 1 . 6/20/2001
I like this; alot! *is a dub digimon watcher too* _ I really like how you did this though! o_o! Very few authors really pay attention to langeuage barriers *can only think of 1 other then you* Good job! I really love this fic! :D *adds it to her faves* _
Alias chapter 1 . 6/18/2001
Wow! So sweet and cute! Loved it.
fadedjae chapter 1 . 6/2/2001
You know that you rule, right? You kick total arse. You rock. You rule. You are a goddess. You're the muse of fanfiction. I worship you.
Kaeera chapter 1 . 5/19/2001
Hey, this fic was pretty cool! I loved it how you showed Mimi's feelings of living in a new, unknown city without any friends. I missed this part in the tv-show...there she moves away and is always happy (and comes back to Japan as if it would be only 100km away or so!) Okay, to make it short: WOW *sweatdrops*I am not a good review writer...
Fallon chapter 1 . 5/16/2001
That was great. Perfect. This is going in my favorites!
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