Reviews for Survivor
Ithil-valon chapter 1 . 1/26/2005
This is so beautiful and made me cry. Sigh...
Alexi Lupin chapter 1 . 10/5/2004
...I miss you Lancelot...


The whole ficket was great, I really felt like I was inside Arthur's head, but the line I've copied there, that was the icing on the cake. Wait. I don't actually like icing...I don't like those glacé cherry things either...what else goes on cake? Hm...ok, that line was the next layer of cake on the cake. So evidently, my metaphorical/proverbial/? cake is a webbing cake, or I was just hungry. I'm probably confusing you. I'll stop. Great fic. Lancelot rules.
Goody chapter 1 . 9/27/2004
That was a lovely one shot, I enjoyed it. Good use of extended metaphor with the one leg analogy, it was stronger and more compelling as it went. Very nice.

BEcky chapter 1 . 9/27/2004
I liked that!I have read alot of stories about Arthur's feeling's after lancelot died and this is one of my favorite's!GOOD JOB