Reviews for Bell Jars
Angie chapter 1 . 7/2
Rereading this and my heart feels heavy. I feel like Sakura could never find her own person and was so lost on what she wanted and who she wanted to be. She didn't have a goal and just wanted to find her skin that she was comfortable in which took her so long, and fucked up so much along the way. It makes me relate in a way because I feel as lost as her... Thanks for the read.
Panda chapter 1 . 3/7/2019
Every few year i come back to read this story then finish feeling all different kinds of emotions.
I connected with sakura and against her; wanting her to try harder( to push herself physically to succeed in life), but i was wrong in thinking that. This story always rereminds me that this sakura is still sakura but on a different journey.
I very much want to know what she was doing during her disappearance, but i understand this was simply for herself and her privacy. It still hurt not knowing.
My love for Naruto grows each time i reread this story. He is truely a good friend, and im glad that sakura have coffee just for him for when he finds her again.
This is my personal thought but im glad that no one on team 7 is married or in a relationship. It gives a certain connection between themselves.

I dont know if you will ever read this, but im very glad you have written this story. I truely love that romance was not the center of the story, but an element to sakura's journey. From her love for sasuke, to kiss naruto, ino, then kakashi, and finally having sex with lee. Each with different meaning but all to do with herself.

Thank you for the story.
ThatPageantGirl chapter 1 . 10/30/2018
I'll read a bit of angst now and then, depending on my mood. It's not my preferred genre but sometimes a story's description just speaks to me. Like it did today. Loudly. There was so much of the content that I could relate to, including Sakura's towering over the boys (I'm 6' tall). I know it's been nearly a decade and a half since you posted this story but I sincerely hope you see this review. Thank you so much :)
Limonnaya chapter 1 . 1/31/2018
Oh, can I translate it to Russian? This is the best work on Naruto fandom that I have read.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/4/2016
This is beautiful, but I'm not reading this again until I learn how to deal with all the sadness. The breaking down and the tentative rebuilding is terrifying. Ow. Lovely work.
Teriyaki Princes chapter 1 . 6/8/2016
I'm teary eyed and this was beautiful
Guest chapter 1 . 11/13/2015
Echo Andalice chapter 1 . 1/23/2015
I just re-read this story again and find it is beautiful its own way.. this story is really lovely and heartbreaking. love this story
Bzzyt chapter 1 . 12/28/2014
I'm not entirely sure what that was, but it was beautiful, in a way
niffaith chapter 1 . 5/27/2014
This is absolutely great and I very much wish this was canon. This Sakura became her own person, unlike Kishimoto's portrayal of well she's just there because I can't exactly get rid of her. Thank you for the excellent read. I needed this after last chapter of Naruto. So double thank you.
AlmostElectric chapter 1 . 5/24/2014
Better Sakura than Kishimoto's. Love it.
multifandom-fanfic-writer chapter 1 . 3/7/2014
This is a very different Sakura. I liked her. This was a good read, thank you for writing it. It certainly left an impression.
Yorik chapter 1 . 3/2/2014
I felt so many sweeping emotions during the course of this fic and it was wonderful and sad.
anon chapter 1 . 2/17/2014
This is fucking fantastic. Probably my favorite piece of fanfiction of all time; I read this as a teen and loved it and years later as an "adult" it still hits me in the exact same way. Love, love, love, love, love.
ohnooooooooooooooooooooo chapter 1 . 10/14/2013
It's beautiful, this writing you did. The way you've incorporated Sakura's hair is amazing because I would have thought that it meant more to canon!Sakura, and I think the greatest part of this story was Kakashi's role. As her guardian, friend and role model it's sad to say that Kakashi's did forget about her and ugh, no words can describe the lovely yet miserable feelings that were invoked when reading this piece.
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