Reviews for Angelene
Terra-fying chapter 1 . 9/14/2002
Poor Jun and Daisuke... Oh, but I thought this was great; it was awesome to see a fic focusing on Jun like this, and one that didn't just write her off as a stupid, annoying girl always getting in the way of everything. That was really nice! And she was so human and believable in this. You can't help feeling so bad for her... ;_; Wonderful story!
Cloud Albatou chapter 1 . 6/11/2002
_Wonderful fic. Very emotinal...and just extremly well writen. One of the best Jun fics I've ever seen too_
Butterfly chapter 1 . 3/30/2002
Could you write more Jun fics please? There so hard to find.
alessandriana chapter 1 . 8/28/2001
*sighs happily* Oh gosh, I just *love* this story! I've read it several times now, and everytime it just gets better and better. The writing style is great, some characters aren't quite the same as they are in the show but you have a *very* plausible reason for it, and everybody interacts very well. Definately one of my favorite fics, and I do so hope you write more. :)
Renn Ireigh chapter 1 . 7/26/2001
That has to be one of the best stories I've ever read.
The Dark Peregrine chapter 1 . 7/25/2001
The powers of description are useful tools, and you utilize them well. Great job!
Graveflower chapter 1 . 7/22/2001
Woah... just, woah. I'm stunned by your writing... That was so sweet and sad and... what's the word? Poignant? *sniff* I love the way you did the whole Jun/Daisuke and Jun/Mimi thing, it was so believeable... definately *the* best Jun fic I've ever read, just amazing. I'm awed. Amazing job.
Sailor Mystiqua chapter 1 . 7/3/2001
How about a sequel?I like ssooooooo totaly loved it!PLease write more!
Luriko-Ysabeth chapter 1 . 6/26/2001
Everyone has probably told you already how good this story is, but I will just add my vote to theirs for the sake of completeness and of urging you to write more stories of this quality.
290 chapter 1 . 6/22/2001
Well I REALLY liked the Jun/Daisuke parts. Extremely touching and extremely realistic. I mean, when Dai asked her what she was wearing, and when she punched Matt, it just played out so well. The mimi/jun relationship was pretty cool too, especially the summer camp part, though it would have interesting too if Mimi only vaguely knew her. Great job. You made Jun someone people still don't understand but also someone for whom you just have to have sympathy and compassion. Perfectly her.
Leelee chapter 1 . 6/12/2001
I liked this. Made me feel very sympathic towards Jun. _ Heavy subject matter, good brother/sister bonding, nicely written Mimi/Jun friendship. A very solid story.
Natsu chapter 1 . 4/13/2001
Very original. Makes me actually like Jun...and that's quite an acheivement! Nice. Me likes.
sine amorem chapter 1 . 3/30/2001
Wow. I'm speechless. WOW.
Blubglub chapter 1 . 3/27/2001
Wow! This is an amazing piece of work. It was well written with a good story and an excellent portrayal of the characters. It was somewhat deep and serious, yet it was enjoyable. One of the best pieces I have ever read.
Cynthia2 chapter 1 . 3/15/2001
Ohh, this was very good! Glad I finally got around to checking your page out here :) Expect more reviews from me in a short while...
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