Reviews for Killing the Daisies
iwishiwasnthere chapter 12 . 2/10/2015
Please, please, please finish this heck of a story one day! It's awesome :D
SuperxXxGirl79 chapter 7 . 6/25/2010
haha The Breakfast Club, I LOVE THAT MOVIE! Molly Ringwald makes the whole thing for me...Fight Club is good too! n e way, i luv the angst of this story, but i also like that it has a plot to it, so GREAT JOB AND GOOD NIGHT! (or day or watever) o and Billy's ok but... OZZY ROCKS! haha well luv ya like a sibling n e way!
maddie88 chapter 12 . 3/29/2009
I love this fic, it's a gem in the whole tragedy genre on FFnet. It's sad and beautiful how you put bits from the happy past before showing us the dark present. When I read the pleasant memories I feel a bit of sorrow when I imagine TJ thinking about it. It makes me think about the precious moments and friends that I have in my life. I won't push you or anything but I'd be happy if you post one last chapter to end the story. Maybe Spinelli is still alive somewhere .Cheesy, I know, but I tear up just imagining TJ's reaction if Spinelli comes to his door...he would be so happy.
DH Shipper chapter 12 . 6/21/2008
I can't wait to keep reading :) Great work! I wonder if TJ will ever stop being depressed..
DH Shipper chapter 5 . 6/20/2008
'"Maybe we should let him kill himself," Gus said to no one in particular, as there was no one left, "Maybe then he'll be happy, maybe then he'll be with her."'

Oh man. That made me tear up :) Good work!
DH Shipper chapter 2 . 6/20/2008
So very good! I'm off to the next chapter :)

I just saw review in big BOLD letters! and underlined too!
Lunar Kasumi chapter 4 . 3/17/2007
okay so i read your bio and sorry for my very 'loud' review i just recently posted but seriously from what ive seen you only have 3 chapters to go! its a great fic and no matter how long it takes (hopefully not too much longer) i will be one of the firsts to review and tell you what i though about it!

Lunar Kasumi chapter 12 . 3/17/2007
PLEASE please please please please please please dont leave this story like this. youve put too much time and effort to make such a magnificent, heart wrenching, mind throttling story to have just given up on it. please email me back. i dont want this to be the end. PLEASE! its been too long

Seiteki chapter 12 . 3/31/2006
hmm i like it so far..even though i doubt it, im still hoping for a happy ending for tj, i have some really good ideas of how it could come around too! but in case you were thinking the same i dont want to spoil it. i can also see it ending sad. i honestly think however you write it, it will finish beautifully.
Hanna chapter 1 . 12/27/2005
I must say your story is the best! PLease, you must update in this section more often! I'm sorry but the stuff that's been put out here lately SUCKS!, to put bluntly.
anonymustache chapter 12 . 12/26/2005
This is one of the better Recess I've read. You've characterized the gang very nicely, and pulled them effectively into the adult world.

I hope you update this soon.
ckayak2 chapter 1 . 9/30/2005
OMG! What happened! Oh next chapter!

Excellent Job!
blackheart11 chapter 1 . 9/1/2005
wow! i just love it! this may sound stupid but i really felt like crying on the 1st chapter when spinelli died. you are such a great writer. you are amazing and so are your stories.
Sarah chapter 12 . 8/16/2005
OH GLORIOUS DAY! :D My prayers have been answered! It took me a while to figure out what was going on :( but after I while I remembered :)

Sorry for taking for long to review- I was at band camp! haha

&Aww, yay for Mikey! Rehab is good, drugs are NOT

Now, You MUST update as quickly as possible. PLEASE?
the next political dynasty chapter 12 . 8/14/2005
again, you continue to amaze me and i'm glad you're writing again-i shall be back soon as well :) keep writing!
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