Reviews for 02
Nikys chapter 19 . 6/24
The only problem I have with this chapter is that with series timing Asuka should have quite heavy periods both preventing them from either proper sex, pregnancy or even comfortable feelings for Asuka.
Guest chapter 24 . 12/23/2016
I can barely describe how much I enjoyed this fic. The development of the characters was rushed, but ultimately relatable. The ending paragraph was relatable seeing as in this depressed and down part of my life, I want nothing more than to hold a woman and child to call my own. You have captured a lovely part of life. Though I don't believe in one, God be with you.
MoonfireArt chapter 24 . 7/19/2012
This was an excellent and emotionally powerful story.

The only constructive criticism I have is that you may need to work on your pacing. The story seemed to rush forward in spots, needing more time to develop. I realize that it was 24 chapters already, but some sections needed to move slower.
Koloso2 chapter 24 . 11/27/2011

I enjoyed this story, though I must say that sometimes it seemed rushed.

The chapters had a nice length, and they entertained quite well.

And the ending were very good!
justbehappydammit chapter 24 . 2/28/2011
An excellent ending. The names of the children are ironic and yet appropriate as well.
Greenfang chapter 24 . 6/8/2010
Great story, believable and well written with character development that rang true for me.

Very nice!


HopelessRomanticist chapter 24 . 2/1/2010
Brilliant story... thank you

As you can probably guess from my image, im a fan of S/A, and this has to be one of the best ones I have read yet.
JDH1080 chapter 24 . 7/19/2009
wow what a great story *clap clap clap clap*
Presson chapter 24 . 1/29/2009
Awesome...just awesome...I am a huge fan of the Shinji x Asuka pairing, it just seems more natural.

My only criticism is that "Lilum" is actually spelled "Lilim" as they are named after the demons descended from Lilith in the Jewish version of the book of Genesis.
Renuki chapter 24 . 9/27/2008
:D That was a pleasure read! (And yay! They got kids! :D)

Hrm, a very pleasant names, me think.

(And...17th angel was awesome. *grin*)
mevanova chapter 24 . 3/8/2008
I have read many fanfics involving Shinji and Asuka, but I think yours is the best I have read out of all of them. The only complaint I might register is some slight spelling errors, but I'm sure you know of those already. Also, the language and the description of events gets choppier as the later chapters come about, but I'm also sure that's due to the pressures of normal life. All in all, a great story! I appreciate it a lot.
Brainless1 chapter 24 . 3/12/2007
I just read your story and I have got to say that you did an amazing job. It was well written and the ideas behind it were so good that I wish the actual story had gone that way.

Good job, best of luck in whatever you do, and take care.

unusedaccountignore chapter 24 . 2/3/2007
This frikkin' rocks, to use the vernacular. Does this website give awards?
unusedaccountignore chapter 1 . 2/3/2007
Damn, and I thought I was good...shows where arrogance gets you, eh?

This is top stuff. Change the charcter names, add a little background info, and this could be a real book.
Ninjamaster-255 chapter 8 . 12/29/2006
sweet rei pov

that was hilarius, intriging, scarey, and down right hot all at the same time how is beyond me maybe its rei's straitforwardness even in this
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