Reviews for Iteration
Maria Jurado chapter 1 . 3/25
Whoah. Spooky
Bec chapter 5 . 7/23/2013
I love this story and I am so glad you updated! You capture these characters so well and you have done a wonderful job with Aves, who does not feature much in the books, but you have really given him a depth of character. I hope you update again, this chapter has got me so curious about what happens next. I loved the Karrde and Luke interaction!
Mouse chapter 4 . 3/20/2013
Wow.. I can't believe this story got updated after so long, or that I happened to find it again, but I'm so glad that both happened. Wonderful piece of writing, so much snappy dialogue, and the stealthy ops and rescue mission are very reminiscent of SW and Zahn's books. Aves really comes to life and what you have developing between him and Wedge is so subtle and believable and lovely. Karrde is in character, for all the AU developments. Mara's characterization is different and surprising, but not in a bad way. I think you give her some vulnerability and depth that Zahn, in his infatuation with his own characters, couldn't. I can't tell if the story is finished at this chapter - it could be a reasonably satisfying end point, although it does leave me wondering how necessary an addition Zillah was. Either way, thank you for an incredibly enjoyable reading experience. And if there's more, I'll be back.
ladyofdarkstar chapter 4 . 10/28/2012
I just found this story and I'm totally in love with it. Please continue it when you can. You write marvelously well, and I can really feel that the characters are true to themselves. This is a plausable AU story and there aren't enough of those out there. Please, please continue!
Certain POV chapter 4 . 12/3/2011
wow, this was a doozy. good story so far, albeit a bit long. you may want to cut it down to a few chapters or so, as a suggestion. keep it up though, i hope it reaches an interesting climax.
pronker chapter 4 . 11/29/2011
Excellent progression and I'm glad you've taken it up again. It's unique.
Certain POV chapter 3 . 11/26/2011
I must admit, this is actually somewhat of an intriguing story, and it feels very much as if Timothy Zahn himself wrote it. The characters were all in-character, in spite of their circumstances, and the narrative was fluid, the dialogue was natural, the pace is good, etc. This is a very good fic. My only problem is that other than Mara's death, I'm not seeing why you had to post a warning about beloved characters dying. Other than that, I really hope you write more so we could see how this all reaches its spectacular conclusion.

Now if any fanfic should have a warning about beloved characters dying, it's my story, Acquiescence, for all those interested.
Violetlight chapter 2 . 1/2/2007
Great start! I'm looking forward to seeing how this fic plays out. Keep it up!
Sylvia Viridian chapter 1 . 11/13/2003
I just re-read this story, and I simply HAVE to review again. This is the most wonderfully original Thrawn story I've ever read, and everyone is *perfectly* in character. Especially Karrde. There aren't enough Karrde stories in existence anyway, and there is only one other this good - Mouse's one-shot vignette, Whole. So, I think I'm going to start begging you...UPDATE! Please! Are you looking for more reviews? I'll advertise if you want. Or is your muse simply bored? In which case I don't think there's much I can do...but you were clearly going somewhere with this, and I'd sure like to know where. I WANT MORE KARRDE FICS!

Ok. I'm done. For now.
Sylvia Viridian chapter 2 . 10/11/2003
Fascinating. You're off to a good start, keep it up and you'll go a long way.
Shezan chapter 2 . 10/10/2002
Well, well, well! This looks very promising. I could bemoan the dearth of Thrawn around, but you're going to bring him back in, right? Right? :-)
Mouse chapter 2 . 8/17/2002
Ah! Now *this* is the Thrawn story I've been looking for. No miraculous survival- but an entirely plausible AU resulting from Luke "Slips" Skywalker. _

Your characterization of Karrde: perfect (love that guy). The tense scene between he and Aves is my favourite. Ooh, so chillingly hopeless and defeated- a result of (dare I say it) Mara's death? Everyone is in character- Bel Iblis, Han, Wedge- and the setup is very intriguing. Please don't stop!

(One question: Star Destroyer "Annatar"- am I crazy fangirl or would that happen to be a reference to Tolkien's Sauron?)
Shanno chapter 2 . 3/12/2002
This is pretty good. I really hope you continue!
MD chapter 2 . 3/8/2002
Wow. As a fan of Tim Zahn, I don't particularly like the idea of re-using his dialogue, but as a fan of Thrawn, I thought all of it was magnificent. Wow. In the short stuff you've got so far, you caught a fair touch of the Zahn flavor. And, of course, I'm bound to like any story where Thrawn comes off best.

Good work!
ErtaiWL chapter 1 . 3/1/2002
Wow i never imagined that. You were right with that one word
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