Reviews for You Never Get What You Want
zexal chapter 4 . 11/10/2014
please continue
Friendly critic chapter 4 . 4/11/2010
I really hate it when people add japanese words that people can't understand in their stories. I mean, hai and arigato and hello in japanese is understandeble, but useing full fledged words and sentences is not showing off, its confusing the readers. I would advise you to use words that are in the language you are writing in or mild japanese in the story if you want, because like I said its not cool or becoming. Its annoying. Just friendly advise
Sirona of Arabia chapter 4 . 7/24/2007
Sasuke should BURN in hell for being abusive to Sakura and Naruto. anyway loved the chap. plz update soon.
Sable Katze chapter 4 . 6/28/2007
aww, you cant think of anything else for this?

maybe you could, i dunno, ASK THE READERS FOR SUGGESTIONS?

yeah, sorry but I really want this to continue. just put an authors note asking for suggestions for the plo, I'm sure people would love to help!

maybe, Naruto isn't really dead, umm, yeah. thats all i got...

but seriously, ask the readers, we can help!
Spider Shinobi chapter 4 . 4/16/2007
ya u should put later that naruto was captured by that atkusi or whatever theyre called (sry dont really pay attention to them) hehehe
Aesura chapter 2 . 1/6/2007
you have errors in your Naruto fic. First off, the 5th Hokage has already been taken by Tsusade. you probally mean the 6th Hokage.
lionheart555 chapter 1 . 10/13/2006

sasuke..i always feared wut would happen if he married sakura.
Tekken is teh sex chapter 1 . 4/11/2006
How dare you not be able to finish your story! I have lost all faith in you *sobs maniacly*

But I am looking foreward to the other story you are making, tee hee hee. You should've said something about it, but that's okay. _

kage chapter 4 . 1/7/2005
i like your story a lot keep it up ne
Tekken is teh sex chapter 4 . 1/4/2005
You're right I do know... should I answer anyway? Huh huh huh huh huh?

Anywho... THAT FANFIC WAS HORRIBLE! T_T My poor innocent mind. But please keep writing, what will happen to Sakura? WILL SHE EVER BE HAPPY? Will she marry again? TELL ME TELL ME! And if it's to Kakashi I disown (can't spell no more) you as my cousin and you shall be my... I dunno, slave.
Tekken is teh sex chapter 3 . 1/4/2005
yay! it's so blunderful I could cry! Make-out session of death? That surely sounds like you...

And you put me as your favorite author? T_T I Don't know what to say. Anywho.. I 'll continue reading only if you continue posting.
GreatMarta.of.the.past chapter 4 . 12/31/2004
Poor little Naruto...

Hates Sasuke bastard.

Sasuke bastard needs a psychoterapist. And land in jail for breaking chuldsrights. Good his child is a boy, I don't even want to imagine what would he do to a girl.

BTW is Itachi gonna appear and does he have any kids here?

Luv the fic
TenTen Hyuga chapter 4 . 12/30/2004
Ah, I love Sakura/Sasuke tragedies... (I don't like Sakura/Naruto... but hey, you made it cool). Any of the other shinobis gonna come into this? Bring Neji in there so he can kick some Sasuke butt! XD Jk! But update soon!
vash14 chapter 2 . 12/30/2004
fyi tsunade was the 5th hokage(godaime), if naruto became the hokage after her then he would be the 6th(rokudaime)
Devils-Trigger chapter 4 . 12/30/2004
y cant naruto b captured by the akatsuki instead of dying. then comes bak and c's sasuke hitting his own son. y couldnt naruto train the little that would b fun ass gets kicked by his own son that would be a funny sight. great chapter though.

just make sure that naruto should be alive next no fun without him.
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