Reviews for Love You: The Beginning of Love
Lady Eruanna of Mirkwood chapter 15 . 1/5/2014
TheScarletSerpent chapter 15 . 12/2/2008
okay so I really like the story so far and hope that you will update asap!

rehtaehwashere chapter 15 . 4/5/2008
like da story...
Fishy Rainboots chapter 4 . 10/19/2007
I love it so far and can't wait to read the rest.
Lady Arya chapter 15 . 6/16/2007
Only three?

i'll boost that up to four.

Really good. Legolas is going to get the girl. i jsut know it!
enyamorntuilr chapter 15 . 11/6/2006
I like your story


SO pls pls pls pls pls

undate soon?

Princess Kelso chapter 15 . 9/17/2006
i really like this story! pleez update soon!
MBDTA chapter 15 . 8/12/2006
I absolutely loved it! Especially the part about the "cotton-pickin' minute!" Very funny! Spelling's a bit off, but that's okay...I got the just of what you were saying! Loved it!

The Editor of MBDTA
ColdPlayGirl chapter 15 . 8/7/2006
This story was really interesting. I liked it. There were a few things I had questions on, but they were answered in the end! I can't wait for the next one to be posted!
Bee chapter 15 . 7/25/2006
Great Story! looking forward to more. I like the dream, and hope like hell the she and Legolas don't go through too many disasters before getting together.

jada952 chapter 15 . 7/24/2006
okay. you've peaked my curiousity.

i look forward to the further tales of amaris, and her brother, and husband and dastardly other elf dude.

and of course, the journey of the fellowship.


A Vermilion Memory chapter 15 . 7/3/2006
:D :D :D

You posted!

I'm so glad!

I loved that chapter!

I love all the chapters...

I can't wait until you post more!

Orlando's Hot Chick chapter 15 . 7/3/2006
you crack me up woman...that was funny as hell and i would have something to Boromir but it would have been a lot worse than that...and i can't believe i have to wait forever for the next chapter..i better get it sooner so i can edit them for you...can't the words of Jack...Ta
phoenix-shalimar chapter 15 . 7/1/2006

i just found your story and i think it is the greatest i really do love it and i love legolas lol he is my all time favourite before aragorn i like him too although not as much as i love legolas i mean just look at his blond hair and his blue eyes and the way he walks and the sound of his voice and his face and omg *druels*

rite sorry got abit of track *a bit? u ask* ok ok a hellava lot i said sorry

i laughed so much throughout this first part story thing there were alot of funni parts i would tell u all the parts i found funni or in wat chappies but i am abit of a blonde and cannot remember even tho i have just finished reading ur story yes all of it and yes i have not much of a life at the moment and i was bored not that i only read ur story cos i was bored no nothing like that i am glad i read ur story for one it cured my boredom and two i loved it lol

well i cant wait to read the second part of this


love shadowphoenix

oh and p.s im adding this to my favs cos i really love it and i can :-p
Littlemissred95 chapter 15 . 7/1/2006
Wow, I read this whole installment tonight, and have a couple of things to say...

1. North Carolina is the best!

2. Aragorn did say that he was the King in an earlier chapter, and as such, it was kind of confusing that this story is taking place before the fellowship.

3. If you ever want someone to proofread for grammar, spelling, etc. email me, I'll be more that happy to do it.
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