Reviews for Demons and Love
curryboh chapter 22 . 7/20
When he said "Eden to Shader" I read it wrong and remembered "Ed Sheeran"
Then was like 0.0 that would be Amazing if Chemo sings :perfect in their wedding!
Just imagining it I was Happy crying.
Ed Sheeran: 'Perfect' buying a Deeper voice, since he's got that rich baritone timber.
So dare I say it? " Perfect" please don't stop now. Please continue... I really loved it so much I've re-read your story about 7 times now.
A songfic could be fun no?
Sorry to bother you with my needy request, :( thank you for creating this anyway, it's truly Amazing. I Love ya to bits. Muah!
SariahM chapter 1 . 1/16
Please! Continue writing! Please continue this story! It's so good and so well written! please continue writing!
silver moon chapter 25 . 12/30/2015
i know it has been a while sice you have written but this story is one of the beast stories i have read . will you finish it
HuntressXHunter chapter 4 . 8/28/2015
Dude I thought Michael St Jackson actually read Michael Jackson
Elvea Theb chapter 25 . 6/28/2015
Oh my gosh! This is so good! Please write another chapter! I have to know what happens next. I wanna see how Rosette reacts when she wakes up in Eden and if they bribe her to stay by letting her see Joshua. Will Rizelle or Shader make a move to flirt with Chrono and cause Rosette to go supernova on their butts? I really just wanna see what happens! Oh, maybe the next chapter will be full of Aion trying to convince the couple to join their cause or maybe just Chrono cause he'll be desperate to protect the baby. LOL sorry I'm rambling *sweat drops* Anyway, I loved it! Please continue.
Guest chapter 17 . 3/31/2014
Any possibility that Taj-mere was gay or into yaoi and bl?
dragonfly1339 chapter 25 . 2/23/2014
How can you not update?! You just leave the story hanging at such an important part, so I will humbly request that you UPDATE this story. ASAP. I mean how often do you find stories that Rosette and Chrno have a child? ...exactly! So update!
Guest chapter 25 . 9/28/2013
Eh there aren't more chapter?! Cries in corner I really hope you'll update soon, raising a kid is time consuming, but if you find time, then please update, this is one of te best fics ever!

Guest chapter 24 . 9/28/2013
Well at least they're in it together, uh but wait I thought Aion also needed all the apostles, so will he kidnap Azmaria soon too? And Satella is still looking for her sis. So many things XD.

Guest chapter 23 . 9/28/2013
Well Rosette's tantrum was expected since she gets angry easily. XD also Chrono should remember Rosette's nature to go whatever she wants whenever she wants and she has a big mouth. Try to imagine what will happen when it's their kid. Rosette already creates chaos if her son/ daughter is like her mom... That would be strict supervision and a lot being grounded. Btw I hope it's a girl, then Chrono can all be super overprotected and be the soft daddy. XD
Guest chapter 22 . 9/28/2013
Come on Aion, can't you give them a break. Yeah you had a hard live after realizing the truth, but it wasn't Cloud Strife- or Vincent Valentine- like horrible. Just leave your little brother be and let him stay in his happiness for once. Just go look for you own human to fall in love with and have a kid. Or become and otaku, we get happy over the smallest manga/ anime/ game related thing.

Guest chapter 21 . 9/28/2013
Haha I can understand, I think I kinda suck at writing weddings too. But this chapter was fun and it seems like it won't take log until Aion appears. Oww the epicness will start soon!

Guest chapter 20 . 9/28/2013
Aww that was cute of Rosette and what Chrono said to her. 3 well they should enjoy the time they have together to the fullest.

Guest chapter 19 . 9/28/2013
Dammit it had to end with a cliffhanger. Chrono's reaction was like always hilarious, so according to his upbringings, Rosette is already his waifu haha must be tiresome to be married to such a violent girl and how would Joshua react after being back to his old self and realize that Chrono is his brother in law? That would be funny.

Guest chapter 18 . 9/28/2013
Nice for sister Kate to clear that up. Though if I were Rosette, I'd might check just for being sure. Lolz wedding, I don't think Chrono knows much about that, in fact he might feel super awkward about the topic. How unexpected that sister Kate is a exited about marriages, maybe Azmaria will be too. Time to read the next chapter!

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