Reviews for Searching for a Reason
Radiant Celestial Aura chapter 31 . 11/16/2013
Its been a long, long time since you last updated. I do hope you plan to continue as this story is really awesome.
Italian Roulette chapter 31 . 7/1/2013
Wow... Since I've revived my account from back in the day, I'm reading all of the stories I had once followed to see how they progressed. I honestly love this - can't wait for more. And it's inspired me, as well :)
fierysuzaku chapter 31 . 1/25/2013
It would be a pity if this one would become one of those unfinished stories. I hope to see an update and hopefully, this one would make it to the COMPLETED shelf of this site. _
Guest chapter 31 . 7/30/2012
This is a great story! Please update soon!
Lord Mortensen chapter 31 . 9/28/2011
update soon

I love this fanfic
badcompanyakira chapter 31 . 1/4/2011
i love this story! its awesome! man i wish that writers block would just go away! well i know im alittle late in reading this D: oh well.

so i was wondering if you could help me with a story. this story helped me start to think of one myself but my story is base off yours and i dont want to copy it in any way (its really great i dont think i could ever copy it) i love both the anime and manga of both peacmaker and kenshin but i only watched a few episodes of kenshin and jumped a head in the manga. i couldnt find much about peacemaker. my friend had the some of the manga and its hard to find. on top of that its all in japanese which i cant read yet so. i was wondering if you could help me in information, edeting, and ideas. it would help a lot! please dont be mad at me for asking!


redheadedbishonenlvr86 chapter 31 . 12/28/2010
I really really love this! I'm a big fan of both series and you've done an amazing job! I would really like to see you finish this. It's an amazing piece of work. Update soon? I'll beg if you want me to.
invisible-gurl chapter 1 . 12/15/2010
are you ever going to update this again? i love this fic and it's been ages since you've updated... this is one of the few RKPMK xover fics and it's actually rather decent ) i hope you haven't abandoned this (
invisible-gurl chapter 31 . 12/12/2010
will you update this anymore? i love this fic )
Silver Shadowbreeze chapter 31 . 2/6/2010
This is quite a spectacular read! You blend the two worlds together so well, considering how well they fit already. Not only that, everyone's in character. At present moment I cannot think of anything to critque except that I would wish to see Sano's technique named as Futae no Kiwami instead of two layers. It's all up to you in the end. I'll be looking forward eagerly for the next chapter.

Umeko chapter 31 . 7/10/2009
Good one with Tetsu's insight on Aoshi. Since he also lost his comrades in the Shinsengumi, he probably understood what is like for Aoshi, probably better than Kenshin (who didn't have that many close friends, beside Tomoe, during the Bakumatsu) Battousai alwasy struck me as a bit of a loner.
mengtoreality chapter 31 . 7/9/2009
Please update sooner!
Ladygreysun chapter 31 . 7/9/2009
Well, good luck!That's an amazing story, but the updates are long *whines*ok, I know that Writer Block can suck... Won't say no more except: keep up the good work!
krystalMage chapter 11 . 2/20/2009

I love this story...but i have one slight thing I want to mention...why oh why didn't you let them have this moment alone? Why!

Oh gawd, this moment was one of the most beautiful ones in the whole series...why did you not linger on it! Ok my rant is over, i really think this is an amazing story and i love all of it, just...this was a very private and special should have let them have it alone.
sekangel88 chapter 30 . 2/6/2009
In this fic, is Soujiro related to the beloved Okita or is it a coincidence? I know he isn't really in the show and all but there have been fanfics that has made Okita and Soujiro related and I thought at first that Okita was his father when I saw the flashback of Okita and then saw the first episode with Soujiro!
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