Reviews for Tower
devoncraven1997 chapter 22 . 7/1
I can't unsee the image of Control Freak the popped in my head when i read that part...
devoncraven1997 chapter 17 . 6/30
I can picture Alfred in the background, looking at the computer and sighing. He'd probably say something like "Shall I'll prepare the funeral? "
Pentastic chapter 27 . 6/5
Cute story. it made me giggle. I'm so glad you finished it.
Guest chapter 27 . 4/25
This. This made me smile. A lot.
Totally Common Guy chapter 26 . 3/12
Yoooooo! I can't do much but admire your dedication! YOU COMPLETED THIS WORK OF ART EVEN AFTER A DECADE!

Now that... Is not something you see everyday. I loved each chapter, and the climax had me nearly falling of my f*cking bed

Imma go and watch Teen Titans now, thank you for writing this.
RogeDogeLan chapter 24 . 12/9/2019
mad props to you for this author's note, god bless you XD
ylsen chapter 27 . 6/6/2019
Que maravillosa historia. Fue tan bonita, entretenida y divertida. Me alegro tanto haberla leído. Me gustó mucho, en serio. Gracias por escribir esta genial historia. Saludos y te mando un abrazo de oso
UnicornPopcorn14 chapter 27 . 5/22/2019
An amazing story with an amazing flow! I'm really glad it's complete because I hate cliff-hangers. Thank you for the great effort!
WeasleyIsMyKing540 chapter 7 . 2/12/2019
This is like a Teen Titans episode playing out and i love it lol chapter 1 . 2/8/2019
You made me laugh several times, great story so far!
WHATTT chapter 11 . 10/27/2018
Guest chapter 19 . 10/8/2018
I like big butts is by sir mix-a-lot
Marqueef chapter 27 . 9/15/2018
The whole thing is set to last for 2 days, the whole thing too 11 years to finish.
Traveler chapter 26 . 9/2/2018
"Any questions?" Raven asked the shell-shocked pair with a hard look.

"Tons." Robin said, his eyes still opened wide in shock.

"They'll have to wait until after the meeting."

"…Meeting's cancelled."

"Great, we're leaving then."

Favorite exchange this whole chapter.
Eerie Enigma chapter 26 . 8/14/2018
Not sure if you still check reviews, but I thought I'd ambush you with an essay and kick up some of that dust you thought was cleared.

I've been a fan of this story for about as long as it's been around, and admittedly when you took your monster hiatus, I took an even BIGGER one from the story and just now completed your last few chapters years after you finished writing them.

So why pick Lucky Number 26 to write this on? Because this one is my absolute favorite. And it's not even because of Beast Boy and Raven finally sealing the deal.

'Nevermore' was my favorite episode in the original Teen Titans show and will always be. I loved the idea of each of Raven's emotions having their own sentience, and it always amused me to think that while they're technically the same person, Beast Boy gets his own Power Ranger color-coordinated harem. Your execution of their interactions was impeccable, and it just about felt like I was watching a second episode with more of the mirror - something that I truly believe they could've expanded on with little complaint from the fan base.

Anyway, after years of drifting, my interest in creating more "what-if" worlds through fanfiction has been renewed, and as a completionist fan, I wanted to reread this story from front to back and put it to bed for good. I'm glad I did.

Still, I feel nostalgic reading about the updates in your real life, especially through the movie theater screen. Because even though I'm a few years younger, I'm now as old as you were when you wrote it, and your accomplishments already beat the shit out of mine. No fulfilling job, home, or relationship of any kind. I guess I can't hate you for finding happiness, but Jesus Wept, save some for the rest of us!

I digress though, it was a blast to grow up with this story, even though the series has been dead for some time, and neither TT Go nor the edgy dark preview of the new movie seem to be doing anything other than make me miss the olden days. Back then I despised shipping Raven with Beast Boy, because I thought MY feelings for Raven burned hotter than the changeling's, but the thought you poured into this story and its characters makes me quite happy to be proven wrong. Now I have no CHOICE but to grow up, THANKS.

Anyway, hope all is well with you and yours, and even if you never see this, it's no sweat. Rather than commenting on each individual chapter I read, it's just tradition for me to leave a long, thoughtful review at the end of the few stories on this site I actually care about (my short fave's list will testify).

Thanks for all the laughs, flutters, teases, and homicide-evoking cliffhangers.

And don't stay Hidden for too long! :P

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