Reviews for Something Called Love
LonePhoenixX chapter 20 . 3/9/2019
Yeah yeah, I know you guys probably aren't gonna read this review but I'll leave it anyway. Love your story. And to answer your question my favourite in your fic character is Kiara cause she is realy cool. And my favourite character from anime is Kai. And to tell you truth I find this fic awesome because usually this type of OC ( no offense is meant, and this type of OC means happy and kinda immature) are not paired up w/ Kai. And I think you are not gonna update now :(. Anyways awesome story
Siruki3232 chapter 42 . 5/6/2006
I love this Fan fiction and I've been reading it since the beginning i hope that you continue. sorry i've never reviewed before certain chapters its just that i had to get up the nerve to type. thank you for your fanfics. Bye
Akki Tenshi chapter 42 . 4/10/2006
love what ur doinn...update soon
Zephyr Blue aka Nu-chan chapter 42 . 4/9/2006
update soon
Amanita Virosa-Amaranthus chapter 42 . 3/25/2006
ChildOfSunLeo chapter 42 . 3/25/2006
I'm reviewing! I'm reviewing! I'm reviewing! (jumps up and down like a fifth grader on sugar rush) Great chapie and hope for more soonplease!
ChildOfSunLeo chapter 41 . 3/25/2006
Gah! (covers eyes, then peeks) Naked guys whom I have crushes on! Run away! (runs away)

Takara: (sweatdrops) I think she means, great chappie and hope for more soon!
naioka1992 chapter 40 . 3/24/2006
hey this is realy great! i like the way mariah got beaten by krys - shes cooler than the nasty pink niko-bitch. i hate mariah, as im sure you can tell.

anyway, this is great like i said. please please please please update soon - i cant believe kenny's gay! bit more of him though, just to keep em guessing. - can he hassel tyson more? i hate tyson as wel! oh yeah, adn all hail the baseball bat! steel would be very good for hitting tysons fat head with _!

please update soon, naioka1992 - xoxo
krysjez chapter 40 . 3/23/2006
heya! it's getting a bit bland now so think of something else
ChildOfSunLeo chapter 40 . 3/22/2006
Hahahahahaha! Great chapies! Hope for more soon!
Siruki3232 chapter 40 . 3/22/2006
THANK YOU ive ben wating Paiently for the next chapers , there funny and good bye the way, so thank you. -
ChildOfSunLeo chapter 38 . 3/6/2006
I'm reviewing I'm reviewing I'm reviewing for an awesome chappie! Whe!

Takara: Don't mind her, she is just . . . hyper.

I had four ice cream cones this weekend in a span of two hours and they just now decided to kick in! Whe! Anyway, great chappie and I like the heatedness.
jesssgnot logged in chapter 37 . 12/7/2005
heyya i'm the singaporean jess~

well...this chapter was -okay-, i guess.

oh well _
BlackWolf 13 chapter 20 . 12/3/2005
I love your story alot!

My favorite charater is more than likely Kaira cause she acts crazy, or Krys cause she goes with Ray!

Look for me later on. I'll be giving mre reviews.
BlackWolf 13 chapter 7 . 12/2/2005
I'm not a member yet but your fanfic is really cool.

I think you should write another noe later one!

(And try too add more details)
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