Reviews for With Leaves and Wind
Ditch Gospel chapter 1 . 11/30/2005
I've read this story before, but I've recently been revisiting the works of authors I've previously enjoyed. I really appreciate the fact that this story is done in present tense. A lot of peole seem to find present tense awkward or, in some cases, even unreadable, but I have a soft spot for it, so thanks. As for this story, I find I get caught up in the storm right along with Sanzo, swept away by runaway, untamable emotions and by your brilliant description of the wild storm. I hope I can look forward to more Saiyuki stories from you in the future.
Fox chapter 1 . 7/8/2005 was good. Very good. Sorry, not very good at writing reviews, but I know how authors love them, so here is mine!
sasateq chapter 1 . 12/15/2004
Oh, it's cold out. *shivers* I love the ending. Very nice.
Nikoru Sanzo chapter 1 . 11/12/2004
This is beautiful. )

I loved the descriptions & I can almost feel the wind lashing at my face.D

It's nice how your fic starts out dark & foreboding, then concludes with a, dare I say, a hopeful & illuminating note (for me, that is). D

Keep up the great work! D
bluejay chapter 1 . 11/9/2004
This is a nice one, with a little plot so it's almost more than a drabble. And it's still emotionally charged enough especially with the length. Good work.
Pervasive Threnody chapter 1 . 11/8/2004
Beautiful imagery. Short; but enjoyable, nonetheless.