Reviews for Impersonator Waltz
Dana chapter 2 . 1/8/2012, your writing is flowery to the point that I find it difficult to remember what is going on. Sorry, but it makes you seem a little pretentious when there's all these unnecessary metaphors every other sentence. And I thought Shigure beating the shit out of Hatori was melodramatic. Not even 'evil' manga Shigure would do that just because he believes he stood up Ayame (would Shigure really be so quickly convinced that Hatori would do such a thing anyway?)...anyway, I'll keep reading as it seems you've gotten some positive reviews.
Lolita in Wonderland chapter 8 . 10/30/2006
That was great!

I -love- this story, please update soon!
simplewin chapter 8 . 7/9/2005
O_o If your story isn't the result of careful plot outline, someone shoot me in the head right now...

1)omg!1 characterization! Shigure is absolutely fantastic as a manipulative, cunning bastard, and Akito's unrequited love for Hatori is simply wonderfully adressed. I respect the way you kept those two true to their cold and resolved personalities... Actually, everyone is kept quite believable, I think... Great job here

2) you watered down the flowery descriptions..[Yay!] I didn't say anything before, b/c, seriously, I didn't have anything against them, but now that you've actually made your writing style simpler the story is more enjoyable and less confusing. Great improvement.

3) Ooh, the entertainment factor! This story has me on the edges every time I read it. Really good sense of suspense and continuity . Keep it up

Well, I'll stop this review here, and hope you'll keep up the nice work and update soon.

Ja _
Schwerelos chapter 8 . 6/18/2005
Ah, as deep as ever, I believe I'm beggining to understand... ah, what is going to happen?

i cannot guess, i shall wat for more...

this is so good

I love it!
Essenity chapter 8 . 6/16/2005
Shoomy2003 chapter 1 . 6/16/2005
You have a beautiful way of writing.
J chapter 8 . 6/16/2005
Ignore anyone that tells you Shigure isn't in character. They've probably only seen the anime. This is exactly how he is in the manga, sure he can be fun-loving and all, but he's mostly manipulative as hell.

Also, nice touch remembering about Rin and her "deal" with Shigure.

Love the story, UPDATE!
Zukinn Chan chapter 8 . 6/16/2005
Ah, many more congradulations on your lovely work of fiction! The style and wording of it is magnificient, and it is just so... deliciously angsty?

I am so glad that you have updated! Don't rush things though- it would be a shame for speed to ruin the poetry of this work...

silverkitsunehiei chapter 8 . 6/16/2005
okie..this is a lil confusing..but still..go on!its cool..
Jadeth chapter 7 . 6/14/2005
I'm so fucking lost right now. 0_o Very confusing. Yuh.
silveryoukoshinomorilazy2login chapter 7 . 6/13/2005
wicked!go on!its so cool!
Essenity chapter 7 . 6/13/2005
Either it's been so very long or I just have a sucky memory, b/c I had to reread parts of the other older chapters to actually remember about events leading up to chapter 7. Heh... I think I have a sucky short memory.
Ladya C. Maxine chapter 6 . 4/29/2005
Of course I forgot to check if this fic was updated *rolls eyes*

THANK YOU! I read this chapter without needing to sigh in exasperation for once! Be gone, evil poetry! Fly! I DAMN THEE! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!

*cricket chirps*...Okay.

Well, that wasn't too hard now, was it? Now us readers can focus on the actually story then trying to decipher each paragraph with the help of a dictionary. Fine, it wasn't that bad, but this is a admirable improvement.

Crap, I still have no idea what's wrong with Shigure but, again, Ayame is in perfect character. Did they bring Shigure to the main house? A Hatori-Ayame confrontation would be supper sweet right about now! I also hope that Ayame and Yuki's relationship will change in the course of the fic; I mean, Yuki must be feeling *a bit* sorry for his brother.

For some strange reason I am under the impression that the one causing all this is none other than Akito. This may be a bit late but whoa, I see you chose to follow the manga and reveil "him" as a woman. I swear I almost got a heart attack when I found out about that! Hmm, maybe she's butch...or on steriods...Her voice isn't all that feminine...But I digress :P

So Akito loves Hatori but keeps Kureno to make herself feel better but kinda like Kureno too but is pinning for Hatori anyways and so she's messing with Ayame's mind to make a gap between him and Hatori and (unknowingly?) endangers Hatori and Shigure's friendship in the process which confuses Yuki, Kyo and Tohru so the latter goes to Rin who doesn't seem to be so concerned but actually is...And poor Kana was dragged into this all somehow...Gods! I LOVE this plot!

I don't know enough about Kureno and Rin (haven't made it that far yet) so I cannot really comment on their characters but I believe that (based on what I've heard from others) you've kept them pretty intact. Cheers mate!

Looking forward to chapter 7!


Ladya C. Maxine~*
Zukinn Chan chapter 6 . 4/27/2005
This fiction is so... cryptic? I love the way it's written though- the use of visual comparisons create a clear image. I await the next chapter!
Essenity chapter 6 . 4/26/2005
More Ayame, Hatori, other stuff! See ya next chap.
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