Reviews for First Snow
Eris chapter 4 . 12/31/2012
I like this chapter. It is perhaps a bit explicit, but it is well written.
Imako Nomi chapter 7 . 7/18/2011
AW! So darned adorable. I won't mind a lemon. The Love is enough to fill the soul's contentment. Yeah I just made that up!
Imako Nomi chapter 5 . 7/18/2011
Oh! Raenef is just too cute! Had me laughing like crazy XD
LandUnderWave chapter 7 . 2/20/2007
Aw. This story's adorable! *makes cute face*

The Miss Marauders chapter 7 . 8/23/2006
Kawaii! Loved Errie there!


x Cazzy x
The Miss Marauders chapter 6 . 8/23/2006
It'd be funny if Errie got the drugged cup...*giggles* But it'd be awful if Clipsie got it...

Don't look at me like that. I'm aware all the nicknames are foul.

x C x
The Miss Marauders chapter 5 . 8/23/2006
I'm such a fangirl...I giggled incessantly at what Eclipse thought...

x C x
The Miss Marauders chapter 4 . 8/23/2006
ff net is silly.

*giggles at Raenie's last thought*

x Cazzy x
The Miss Marauders chapter 3 . 8/23/2006
KAWAII! Raenie is SO CUTE!

x Cazzy x
The Miss Marauders chapter 2 . 8/23/2006

x C x
The Miss Marauders chapter 1 . 8/23/2006
I recognise the quote but that's about it.

I agree with your comments about ff net. And OMG I never knew there was an adult site! Thanks for letting me know! *zooms to check it out*

x Cazzy x
cocochan chapter 7 . 8/1/2006
omg omg this is the end i'm never going to watch, urm, read any tickling conversation between erutis and chris again and never going to read sappy romantic fluff between raenef and eclipse again omg this is unacceptable wah wah wah!

well, whinings and temper tantrums aside, all i can say is... wow. it's... amazing. i can't sum up this wonderful story accurately into some petty little words, but i think i'll just let you know that this is absolutely one of the best fics i've read. ever. and you're definitely one of the most talented writer i came across this site.

that being said, can i request you for an erutis/krayon fic? please please please please please please please please please please please pretty please with cherry on top coupled with an irresistable, heinously cute raenef-style puppy look? i will be extremely happy should you agree in granting the wish of little ol' me...
cocochan chapter 6 . 8/1/2006
i've written a nice long review for you for chap 5 but it is denied... fancy that! i'm sorry for deprieving you a review... you deserve it more than most authors... and it puzzled me to see the absurdly small number of readers leaving reviews for such a beautifully crafted story...

this chap is hilarious, and pure fun, and the humor mostly lies in the anticipation of what will happen, and not just what is happening. and cackling erutis who's bent on revenge also spells that more good stuff is coming.

i rarely commented on chris despite the fact he has been wonderfully ic throughout the entire time (it's not my fault he's not as cute as erutis) but chris's interaction with erutis and his remark on how erutis will never touch the drink since it has his 'germs all over it' is so remarkably ic that i can't help but to mention here just what an outstanding author you are. their conversation is really amusing, and light, i can't stop myself from laughing out loud and earn some weird looks from my brothers... sigh...

right, i'm really sorry that you can't read my review on chap 5, i suppose that this one is of adequate enough length to boost your ego, and hopefully, your inspiration at writing yet another dd fic?
cocochan chapter 5 . 8/1/2006
forgetful, senile raenef shouldn't left erutis alone in the freezing cold of the snow... (chris doesn't count) he deserves to be spanked, really, if he's not so damn cute...

and yeah, the way he tried to pronounce the dish is cute too, although rather tiresome when it is repeated again and again, but i must applaud eclipse for having the supernatural patience needed when dealing with raenef... but then again, maybe patience isn't important after all, raenef's puppy look is sufficient enough.

owh and i'm rather surprised when raenef huggle eclipse from behind, i'm under the impression that they're not that close yet? of course, in the first chap eclipse downright 'hug' raenef AND went through his hair but it seems to be rather acceptable, i thought he was trying to comfort his lord. rather ooc of both raenef and eclipse (for letting his lord huggling him without as much as a start) but a welcomed one though, anything for them to make their relationship blossomed woohoo!
cocochan chapter 4 . 8/1/2006
wah wah wah i just can't wait to get to the next chapter, i think that despite what you think this chapter is really good, as usual, of course, really can't expect nothing less from you, although eclipse does seem to be a little ooc when he's, urm, pondering over his feelings towards raenef, i thought eclipse is more like a guy who will go 'i don't care what others think i'll just do whatever i please', i know that doesn't make sense since he is in no position whatsoever to be thinking those thoughts but still he certainly is proud enough, and argh, i'm babbling again, bd habit bad habit, i'm on to chap five!
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