Reviews for Siren's Calling
Y2Ranma chapter 22 . 6/6
This seems like you should have ended with
That way this could be listed as COMPLETED since it seems like the 1st part of the story is over
kewllewk chapter 7 . 11/17/2016
It feels like you went out of your way to point out and overemphasize the whole "weakest senshi, but skilled" in the fight. Even if I do agree that it makes sense(though I think Ranma REALLY doesn't suit the role, it does need to exist) it shouldn't be necessary to put up a metaphorical big glowing neon sign shouting about it in his first fight. It's also pretty clear that you made up this enemy's whole strategy solely because you wanted an enemy exploiting the weakness that Ranma covers so he can be relevant. To be fair, that IS kind of a flaw inherent in the source material(and the genre in general, if I'm being honest) so it's excusable, but it's still fairly sloppy writing. Even if by its nature basically everything an author writes boils down to "it's happening because I need it to happen", you should endeavor to make people fail to notice as much as you possibly can, and you didn't really manage it here.
kewllewk chapter 6 . 11/17/2016
All of this really should have just been scenes in the story rather than set apart from it. It's not filler if you're using it to flesh out your characters. Filler isn't always a bad thing either, because nobody really wants to read a bullet point-esque series of important events.
kewllewk chapter 5 . 11/17/2016
Ranma being mad about keeping him there makes little sense. You already had Senna flat out tell him "i can send you back whatever, but you're here for a reason so I'm not going to." He has plenty of other things to be mad about in that conversation, so fixating on that just seems incredibly forced.
wolfzero7 chapter 6 . 11/8/2016
maybe the lowest magic potential of the senshi, but he is definitely a prodigy in this life with his learning curve and monstrous ki growth. It was stated multiple times that it normal takes decades to have a decent amount of ki let alone what ranma shows. He can use multiple draining ki attacks at the same time for an extended amount of time as shown against saffron. everyone else in his age group and a lot of those older of them are pretty drained after using a major ki attack.
The Richmaster chapter 22 . 6/23/2015
This could have been a really good story but I feel that you tried to add to many different elements too quickly which lead to it being hard to follow at times and you left some parts untold, like what happened with Happosai but you haven't made any real mention of that in the past six chapters after Ranma said to deal with it later.
Guest chapter 3 . 4/3/2015
Gave up. Too many crossover and too many contradictions. Not worth trying to keep track of everything. Typical bad fanfic that could have been good if it had been more focused and therefore more believable.
Y2Ranma chapter 22 . 11/27/2014
UPDATE or Change to Complete & start sequal
Ranmamania chapter 22 . 11/27/2014
When Ranma's Mother, Grandmother & Great Grandmother say he has to do Girl Training, Princess Training then later Bridal Training he should have gone

I have already done Girl Training thanks to Dekiko but mainy Kasumi who decided to teach after I thought I had internal bleeding & before you even say it the only way that will happen is if my wife uses Nainnichuan on herself to also be my husband

As for bridal training

& finally Princess training
maryjane5000 chapter 22 . 11/27/2014
Please you have to UPDATE this there's several unanswered questions that NEED answers like

What happened to Prince(ss) Herb?
What happened to the NWC? (Ryoga, The Kunos, Konatsu, Mousse, The Fathers, Happosai & Cologne)
What happened to the fiancées? (Akane(& her sisters), Ukyo & Shampoo)
Could the 2 princess senshi make a new one maybe Sailor Sun?
Was it Ayeka or Sasami/Tsunami that was taken?
Will Chaos & Terra use the drowned man on the Senshi?
Will Saffron be reborn soon?
Is Tuxedo really dead & if so what does it mean for Chibi Usa?
Do Siren & Mercury get married at the end?
If they will repopulate Mercury & If so where will they rules from?
Guest chapter 13 . 11/26/2014
K-Kunoji or Kuno/Kodachi
Guest chapter 10 . 11/26/2014
As everyone was rolling on the floor laughing Ranma should have turned around & said

"Mom I am giving you one hour to change your mind, if you don't well then the next call you get will be "Ms Kinseino, we need you to come down to the coroners office to ID a body""
Siren chapter 6 . 4/11/2014
You say Siren is the way it is because it would die with Earth Morals, however the way you have them treat males is to have them be raped any time they are seen, I could understand polygamy or easy casual sex. Unfortunately it seems if men run then women chase them and rape them enough for them to have to go to the hospital. Other than the siren females it is a good story.
marcwilebski93 chapter 7 . 10/22/2013
okay no offence but you are SERIOUSLLY downplaying ALL of ranmas natural abilities also I would like to know when this would be in the normal Ranma1/2 timeline so that I have a judge on ranmas abilities because if this is post herb, yes herb NOT saffron but herb, then you have sent ranma back to when he FIRST ever learned the hiryu shoten ha based on the MASSIVE downplaying of his skills. if he has umi sen ken then you are WAY off. actually even from the very beginning you are making ranma out to be patheticly weaker then he is. don't forget kuno is easily considered a WORLD CLASS kendo master. but just look at what ranma does to him. and uranaus has nowhere NEAR that kinda of skill the punches and kicks would be SO sloppy by ranmas standards that even with them being slightly faster he would EASILY be able to dodge them. and that is NOT while using the KACHU TENCHIN AMAGURIKAN SPEED for THE REST OF HIS BODDY which he can do. but his chi reserves were weakened to the point that it is just INSULTING that ranma would be anywhere NEAR this weak and quite frankly you do him a disservice. hell he could DESTROY them if he had only gone up against ryu kumon. and by the way he MOST LIKELY LEARNED THE YAMA SEN KEN as well soo yeah don't make him THIS WEAK it is a MASSIVE insult to ANY true ranma fan
Innortal chapter 22 . 5/25/2013
Welcome back, well done.
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