Reviews for Tortured Reasoning
Joeylazyj chapter 7 . 2/16/2017
Are you sure the real show didn't copy your story, judging by the time posted, you guys caught the characters way ahead of canon you know. Mature, thoughtful and believable.
Heksie chapter 7 . 7/20/2016
Cold beer chapter 3 . 11/16/2015
A two-fur-one! The murdered rapist AND Heather is the prime suspect? Sweet. The writers of the series finale might have copied some of your work... Really enjoying this story.
Sta chapter 7 . 3/17/2013
Thank you for writing such an incredible story.
delita0204 chapter 7 . 12/6/2011
wonderful story

have you ever thought of becoming script writers?

even thought i would have never put Sara in a position to meet lh, you have made it look credible

thanks again for your work
Aliengirla chapter 7 . 5/18/2008
Great story... Now we know about Sara's childhood so we also know that this isn't correct, but you wrote it very well and it's still a great story... I liked it...
ReveredGeek4GSR chapter 1 . 7/5/2006
this kinda sounds like that season 6 ep. Pirates of the Third Reich, kinda cool since this was written way before this ep. aired. Awesome.
FBenq chapter 7 . 5/3/2006
Awsome! The best LH fic I've ever read. Amazing just how well you understand the characters. Everything was so real and believable (well, at least before Pirates of the Third Reich). Congratulations! I'm writing one involving Grissom, Sara and Lady Heather, but it's in portuguese, maybe someday I'll translate it and post it here. BTW, what about a fic set after 'Pirates'?
i-love-svu chapter 7 . 10/28/2005
This is... WOW! Beautifully written; This is one of those stories where everything is so beautifully written you can picture the episode happening in your head. I love it! Very nice job!
Firebird Phoenix chapter 7 . 3/13/2005
that was a sweet ending i loved it. you to are such talented writers i would love to read more of your work
Jacine Wallace chapter 7 . 2/20/2005
This was an excellent story, and that is so rare for this fandom. I hope the two of you will continue to write.
niff74 chapter 7 . 2/19/2005
Wow. I've had the author alert for this fic for a long time now, but refrained from reading it because I knew it was the final chapter, and I simply didn't want it to end.

Both of you are so incredibly talented, I find myself wondering how come you're not doing this professionally. And when you combine your forces, the result usually blows me away - and this was no exception.

With both Grissom and Sara in character, and emotions running high, this was an especially painful chapter to read. So raw, so real and so wonderfully painted, I could see it come to life. I'm sad to see this wonderful fic end, yet happy to have read and enjoyed it.

And I think you owe it to yourselves and your avid readers to collaborate again. If the show doesn't deliver, I always know you do.
CarbyluvYTDAW chapter 7 . 2/9/2005
My god what a sad story! Talk about emotional turmoil. I'm having trouble typing this review because you guys' story was so intense. Incredible, but intense. I recommend to all, but be prepared. To say that this story has angst is the understatement of the century. What a fantastic job though. It took me forever to read though since I had to take a break in the reading so often to calm myself down. You are both truly spectacular and talented writers. I look forward to reading more of your future fics (both together and seperate). Keep on writing!
Noodlejelly chapter 7 . 2/5/2005
The devil's dictionary! I love the devil's dictionary. It's my absolute favourite book.

Sorry, got distracted for a moment there. This is a truely superb story (although I'm sure enough people have told you that already). The range of emotions is heartwrenching and the end of this last chapter was just the happy little bit of hope for the future I was longing for from chapter 1.

And Lady Heather is characterised absolutely perfectly.
dmoser chapter 7 . 1/31/2005
I know you are looking for specific comments on specific areas but I just want to say this was, overall, exceptional writing. I can see the way Sara's mouth forms a half-smile, I can feel Grissom's nervous breath being blown out. I laughed, I cried, I felt very satisfied at the end. Excellent job. You know your characters and you know your audience. Thanks for sharing your gift with the rest of us.
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