Reviews for The DVD
Guest chapter 1 . 6/15/2013
This was great but to me and other Taiora fans maybe is that I want this story to give sora a little more taste of her own medicine some might not agree but in every one of theses fics Tai gets hurt some times or beyond and sora gets only a little bit of pain don't get me wrong I LOVE THIS PAIR but to me sora just gets off to easy. Sorry for the rant but what I would really like would a re-write of this story but instead of it being a video they find make what happen be going on and have Sora get what she disserves for hurting Tai the day after that happened
Zefron101 chapter 1 . 12/19/2011
could someone plz explain to me y everyone felt sorry for Tai and y Yamato let go of Sora?
RedDragonforce 1 chapter 1 . 9/30/2009
Damn, that was (bleep)ed up.

Not really, it was great. The only problem I see is takari (retch).

(Sorry, I get queasy whenever I have to mention that coupling).

Why couldn't you have put Daikari and have Hikari swat Daisuke every time he mentioned her mom watching 'it'.

It's also interesting that you didn't mention any Digimon or anything related to Digimon until Takato showed up. (GO TAKATO!)(GO RUKATO!(Yes, I support Rukato. What of it?))

The other thing you could've mentioned, but wasn't really _needed_ was the special cookie batch Sora was supposed to make for Tai that never came about because the creators decided to do sorato all the way. (Stupid creators not giving Tai what he's earned.)

Oh well, this is going in my favorites.


Gallant Greymon chapter 1 . 8/19/2008
HOLY CRAP! That episode's from Friends! Nice, changing the people around and such... NICE!
Fritillaria Vajra chapter 1 . 6/15/2008
wuuf! finally nit sorato, that funny takato there, i hope that Takuya, and i like fanfic taiora with takumi too~~ and that lucky DVD and stupid sora, however that good enough
BandGeek99 chapter 1 . 6/28/2007
Yay! Sora doesn't marry Yamato! I'm so happy!

(sorry...I love Taiora more than I do Sorato...heh heh heh.)

Write more in the future!

Cobalt Coaster chapter 1 . 3/10/2007
Great! One thing, however. You got your Tais mixed up ;)

To explain, Taichi *Yagami* is from the Digimon V-Tamer (I think that's the name) comic series. Taichi *Kamiya* is from the anime. Keep that in mind ;)
kawaiigurl93 chapter 1 . 7/29/2005
the ending was...speechless.
sapphirewitch chapter 1 . 7/8/2005
kawaii story ur a really good author. But in my opinion takumi isn't a somewhat ressurection of taiora. I dont like the couple takumi because in my opinion a couple needs to balance each other out. Izumi is already a cheerful and friendly girl and can be a little ditzy at times. Combine that with takuya and you have a coule gone wrong because they are too much alike in my opinion. sora is levelheaded to tai's sometimes not so i really like them but supporst kouzumi over takumi.
no one chapter 1 . 7/7/2005
awsome fic. i fealt bad for tai at the beginning he is my fav. charcter
All The Aspects chapter 1 . 1/22/2005
That was cool. And sad. WAAHH!

*sniffle, sniffle*

~Yume Keki
DHR SHiPPER chapter 1 . 1/21/2005
awe that was really bitter sweet. great job!
banana.andthena - 2.0 chapter 1 . 1/11/2005
*gasps* HOLY FUKER!O.o
EosRaven chapter 1 . 1/2/2005
Great fic! I felt so bad for Taichi! *cries for him* I can only imagine the pain that would cause (if that really happened, of course).
Psyclone chapter 1 . 1/1/2005
HAHAHAHAHA! Great ending! that was a great story. yes actually i do think that takumi is somewhat of a resurrection of taiora
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