Reviews for Unsung
Guest chapter 7 . 12/31/2019
Why can't Eric have a bit of handsomely traits. He's only cold because of living in the cold house
Other stories present him with broad shoulders and a normal face on one half. He would not alive being a skeleton. He did not eat much, yet he was strong, helped build the opera house , architecture, song and music. Poor Erik.
Queenofthemorgue chapter 45 . 1/30/2018
Hi! I know that this story has been abandoned for a long time, but maybe you still get emails from FFN (or you check out the website from time to time). This story was really well done! I took a chance on this one because I’ve read basically every piece of M/E fic out there. I’m glad I read it, I do wish it was finished, but nonetheless it was amazing!
Gunslingers-White-Rose chapter 45 . 4/19/2017

This story was so great! I loved every minute of it, the interactions, the way you portray Meg, Erik is fantastic and so much can be said about how wonderful this story is.

I read it all in one day and I hunger for more. I know this story is abandoned, but I cannot help but beg for more, as the story is like a drug that you crave for every moment of everyday.

I could go on, but I shant. I only hope that one day I will see a new addition to this work.
Child of Dreams chapter 44 . 6/5/2016
(frowns in confusion)
Whatever happened to Aminta?
Child of Dreams chapter 37 . 6/5/2016
Oh shit...
Torture chamber?
Guest chapter 45 . 2/22/2013
Why do all good story stop at chapter 45! Or it's just me!? Nooooo please update!
Fancy chapter 3 . 2/22/2013
U should have make her Sing while while dancing. It be so cool
Guest chapter 45 . 7/12/2012
I love this story! I hope you update soon!
Eccentric Storyteller chapter 45 . 6/27/2012
I love this story. Meg and Erik really same real; their feelings, their motives, their desires, ect.
I know its been a long time since you updated but if you ever find the time and inspiration; I know that there are a lot of readers on this site that will look forward to an update.
Thanks for sharing us your beautiful story.
The Dark Waltz chapter 2 . 6/13/2012
I don't think I'll be able to express completely how much I loved this chapter and Meg's first intro to Erik. :)

I'm reading in the dark and for a brief moment I had to turn the lights on so I could not freak out :P
Diving in chapter 45 . 4/22/2012
You have to continue this story, you just have to, I want to know what's going to happen.
Annie Mouse chapter 45 . 8/19/2011
Sorry I haven't had a chance to review every chapter, but your story has kept me entranced the entire way through! I see it has been two years since you updated, but I just think you should know your audience still cares about this fanfiction. I love your characterization of Erik, and Meg's character development is logical and obviously enhanced by the clues given to us in the movie and book. Thanks for this awesome story, and I do hope you are inspired to update soon!


Annie Mouse
Liliana Crouch chapter 45 . 6/28/2011
Are you going to continue this story? I know it's been two years since you last updated, but it's a very good story
Unbecoming Me chapter 45 . 8/27/2010
I love the story, are you still continued it or are you giving up on it? It so good, I do sincerely hope you not giving up on it. Please update soon, I can't wait to read more.
Penguinfoxy chapter 45 . 3/28/2010
After reading this story, I have to say it is one of my all time favorite phafictions. I really hope you continue it soon. I really love how Meg is strong and independent, I think she has an awesome character. I checked out your deviantart page, and especially liked the one of Cimorene. I noticed you put "of the kingdom of Linderwall' and was wondering if you read all four books. I hope you write more soon. XD
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