Reviews for On Death
blackcat686 chapter 3 . 9/8/2006
OMG this story is so well written, it was so emotional it even made me cry, you did such a great job!
Ditch Gospel chapter 3 . 8/12/2005
Ahh, this is so sad. It's breathtaking in its honest and heartfelt simplicity, and the way it makes our hearts ache for the characters. The part about Gojyo being forced to come to terms with his own mortality was a very thoughtful added touch, helping to round out the full range of expression here.

"Parts of Sanzo forever lost in the wind."

This is perhaps the one line in the story that holds the most sadness, but is also beautiful in its tragic truth and depth of feeling. It nearly brought me to tears.

I absolutely adore this story, thank you so very much for sharing it with us. I am adding it to my favouite stories list, as well as to my C2 community. If for any reason you would rather have it removed from Code Black, just drop me an e-mail and let me know.

Again, amazing story.

Minor errors in this chapter:

1. "The highest ranking ones seated on chairs."

just add "were" after "seated"

2. "Gojyo was slightly fidgeting."

This would read smoother as ""fidgeting slightly", instead.

3. "the most majestic way the smoke was bellowing out of the chimney."

add an "at" before "the most majestic" and also, change "bellowing" to "billowing"

4. "A journey some may term it self-discovery."

change "it" to "as"

I hope you don't mind me pointing these things out, I'm only doing it because this story is worth it, and I can't help but notice these kinds of little errors in a well written story.
Ditch Gospel chapter 2 . 8/12/2005
My condolences on your loss. Please accept my sympathies as well as my support for this story.

I did spot one minor error in this chapter you might want to fix, you're just missing an "a" after "to":

"He stumbled over to tree, propping a hand on the trunk."
Ditch Gospel chapter 1 . 8/12/2005
This story is quite well written and has a lot of emotion to it. So far, so good! On to chapter 2!
Makoto Kanjou chapter 3 . 5/14/2005
i need a shoulder...reminded me of someone
doublelynn chapter 3 . 5/9/2005
Well, that went well... My tears are almost dripping out... Really... but this is a VERY very unique fanfic. Keep it up!

May Sanzo have a good afterlife... (sobs and sniffles)
narrizan chapter 3 . 5/9/2005
sad but nice
xxxLet'sForeverDreamxxx chapter 3 . 5/8/2005
Geez,that was i loved it anywayz
crossheart chapter 3 . 5/8/2005
danm u i'm crying
Makoto Kanjou chapter 2 . 4/20/2005
man...can't think of anything to say but then hope this helps...

first, you write your story sso good! cheer up there ok? hang in're a good writer and i really think you deserve an award! i envy you!

second, i'm so sorry to hear about the sad thing...i have a shoulder to lean on to...still available to all. i've already lost someone...someone so important to my life, leaving me at my young age. don't cry there...we both feel the same. just pray that that person's safe and that you would be able to see him/her in the afterlife, ne? dont cry! people say that time heals all wounds...but not all wounds heal...

Paxton V. French chapter 2 . 2/22/2005
Write more chapters please please Ibeg of you!
Naruka chapter 2 . 2/6/2005
I like the story a lot, but I am sorry to hear you had to base it on real life experiences. Death is hard on everyone, and I hope that by writing this it will maybe help you begin to grieve. Good luck, and if you want you can email me, I wouldn't mind listening if you feel like talking
Black-eyed Youkai chapter 2 . 1/25/2005
Wow... this is really sad. Great job! NO SANZO!
Akito-kun chapter 1 . 1/23/2005
I really like this. It's very good. I'm sorry to hear about the death in your life. I can't wait for the final chapter
sRoze chapter 2 . 1/23/2005
That was painful. Excruciatingly, damningly painful. Reading through your fic, I was suddenly bombarded with images from Saiyuki, pictures of Goku and Sanzo, together.. Goku earning a imfamous harisen whack on the head.. Sanzo twitching thanks to annoying remarks Goku has a talent of making.. Goku resting against Sanzo as the last traces of Seiten Taisei fade away from his memory and body..

Halfway through the story, I was hit by one realization. Sanzo grew old. In the real anime/manga itself, would Sanzo ever grow old? I wonder. I was struck when the aged monk went "I am not immortal"... and wondered again what the true ending of this beloved series will be.

But the story's beautiful. Movingly so. It's brilliant how you manage to display the love and affection Goku has for his sun without turning all this delicate stuff into yaoi. _ Am waiting for the final instalment.. hopefully it'll be some kind of closure for Goku. )
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