Reviews for As Moon on Forest Falls
werewolfsfan chapter 1 . 3/25/2008
SoloMoon chapter 1 . 5/8/2006
Wow. I really really like this little fic. There are all sorts of theories on how Remus would deal with Sirius' death, but I like this the best. It's a really cool and original idea, and it's well enough written that you can almost feel what Remus is feeling.
FlintknapperGene chapter 1 . 2/5/2006

Reading through this, I kept thinking of a creative-writing/poetry prof I once had, who used a cute little homily to express the dangers of misappropriating noun/verb combos: "Don't 'explode the dog'." -Not YOUR particular problem at all, and not necessarily relevant here, but there you have it.

I'm thinking: people who live each day or repeatedly with pain learn ways of coping with it. Seems like, with a were creature, the Change would involve sensations that, by this time, have been worked around into something more copable. This might give a were ways of dealing with physical stuff that mundanes don't have; and for that matter, why must injuries sustained in the were state carry over directly? Could they manifest as something more analogous than literal? Dunno.

Vilya0 chapter 1 . 3/29/2005
Hullo! Only one review for this work! It's so well written, I'm all moved. It's beautiful.
Meggle chapter 1 . 2/6/2005
Aww, very well-written and sweet! I have tears in my eyes!