Reviews for Spoiled Remains
whenthemarshmallowmettheslayer chapter 1 . 4/30/2014
Would you write their reactions when they find out she's alive, please?
Kist chapter 1 . 5/30/2012
I love this story! I've always felt disappointed in the way the authors handled Stephanie when it seemed like she had so much potential.
Moma bear Emma Swan chapter 1 . 7/7/2005
how sad ! well done
Esther-Channah chapter 2 . 4/12/2005
Thanks for the update. Your writing is solid. Your "nonfiction" also known as the opening tirade, is on the money, as well. I'm really looking forward to seeing where you go with this.
moony1 chapter 1 . 3/1/2005
Intense! I think the comics don't do enough characterization like you said. There are a lot of characters that could potentially be great but are neglected or misinterpreted and used poorly. But that's what fanfic writers are for right? Well, at least that's what I tell myself. Wonderful piece!


Chickfighter chapter 1 . 2/21/2005
A friend who knew I was a Stephanie Brown fan pointed me here.

Your story was quite moving. I wish someone with your sensibilities had been writing Stephanie's stories. I agreed with your rant. If she had to die it could have at least been in heroic fashion. These are comics after all. The use of this character as a silly plot device in War Games has basically caused me to lose interest in DC comics as a whole...

Your portrayl of Cassie is quite nice. In one short story you have given her more depth than DC has in all her comics. And you did a good job of portraying the issue of the guilt that many of us have experienced at one time or another in reference to the death of a loved one who did something stupid. One feels angry at the one who died, and then feels guilty for not feeling more grief. Well done.

Good luck with your writing.
Cassandra Cain chapter 1 . 2/16/2005
i miss stephanie brown...
Esther-Channah chapter 1 . 1/16/2005
You've got a fan. And a beta reader if you want one. (Or three, from the looks of things!) I agree with the rant, at the beginning. Cass is not easy to nail. You got her. You got Bats in four words. (Or two. "I'm sorry" twice.) Keep the good work coming.
cmar chapter 1 . 1/16/2005
First, a review of your story: Very nice work, especially getting into Tim's, Cass's, and Agnes' heads with very believable and honest reactions. Loved the 'falling' sequence in particular, and Cass's anger at Stephanie for getting herself killed was very realistic.

And for your notes: Boy, do I agree. I could buy just about anything if it's done well and believably. Instead, we often get inconsistant characterizations and big dramatic events that make no sense. Not to mention that canon seems to change constantly...

Oh well, now my rant is getting long. Again, nice job!
iamhollywood chapter 1 . 1/15/2005
I totally agree with everything you said about Stephanie's character and I enjoyed the story, wish this had been the way they'd ended it. Cheers.
Neoinean chapter 1 . 1/14/2005
I completely agree with you about stephanie. She was such a wasted character. I tolerated her up through war drums, but then the gang war and i threw the comic across the room. Batman should have never made her Robin. What is it with him really? The GOOD Robin goes away for whatever reason and he feels lonely and takes someone dense, reckless, and devoid of common sense under his wing? You'd have thought he would have learned to be more selective...

Wow that rant is contageous... *ahem*

I liked this. Especially Batgirl's response. Very believable. Nice touch with the black arm bands, too. And Agnes's grief felt right, too. A nice job all around. I missed Nightwing being there, but I guess he rather had his hands full at the moment.

If you need a beta, i'd be happy to help. Get my emial off my profile if you're still looking.
Peter Gilles chapter 1 . 1/14/2005
Congratulations are in order. You have written an epitaph for Stephanie that surpasses anything DC wrote for her in life. Whilst it's unfortunate that this should be the current state of affairs in DC, your excellent use of the characters kept my interest all the way through.

Incidentally, I would be happy to beta read for you if you want.