Reviews for Warm and Safe and Dry
R-K chapter 1 . 1/25/2018
I read first chapter and I understood that I love this fic, because I'm Russian :D
annea101 chapter 2 . 12/31/2012
i hate liars...ergo i hate those oc's.
Aileil chapter 5 . 6/28/2012
First I have to ask: what is with the fuss over the name 'Sappho'? I mean obviously it isn't a normal name but I don't understand why it's any funnier than someone being named 'Phelps'. Aside from my confusion caused by your indecipherable joke I really liked your story. It shows a level of determination and ability that many people just haven't got. That not only goes for the story but for the fact that you wrote it. And you're right making Rodney wet seems like the favorite pastime of the fanbase. Though I do notice that very few people send him to the mud pits while he's at it, quite original on your part. So thanks. :)
Azamiko chapter 5 . 7/14/2010
Very entertaining adventure story! I like that there's no real bad guys. And pirates make anything more fun.
Jinxauthor Mel chapter 5 . 1/14/2009
I liked the chapter titles in this one; they were very … poignant.

A few issues popped up, though, that threw me off somewhat, but since they're minor I'll just list them shortly. (You did, after all, write this a long time ago.) Here goes … That they wouldn't know who dialed them is something I already mentioned in another review, I remember; The original Lantea had only one moon (though that wasn't clearly stated until 'First Strike', I think); How did that hologram have sound, and how did the Dart 'chase' Rodney and why was there only *one* projector and why would it be set up miles away from the trigger?

Throughout the story I wondered why Rodney wouldn't feel more bitter about being left, especially after all the times John spouted off his motto, and after the unnecessary guilt he himself had felt for people who clearly didn't consider him worthwhile. (Even though he actually knew their full names!) But I guess the way he answered John's questions explained that rather well.

And Beckett scared me even though he barely appeared!
x Varda x chapter 5 . 9/14/2008
Love it! Everyone's perfectly in character and I always like it when McKay shows his true self.
Anonymous Sister of the Author chapter 5 . 5/12/2008
this was an amazing story! great job!

zookitty chapter 5 . 5/3/2008
That was fantastic! Excellent work. so cute too. Poor Mckay, and I'm glad Sheppard finally got to punch that guy. -evil smile- The ending was so beautiful, I could fully picture it.
SaJi chapter 5 . 4/16/2008
Yay! Sheppard did clock Ozette (though I would have thought he'd have clocked him as soon as he got back from the lake on the principle of losing McKay in the first place o3o;) and Ozette's filthy lies were brought out for all to see. I gloat. I loved how nature seemed to find the perfect opportunity to mock Rondey every time. Kek. Brilliantly delicious.
ferryboat George chapter 5 . 3/26/2008
This is a wonderful fic, different from some many fics in that Rodney rescues himself. I love that, and it still has just the right amount of caring at the end with Sheppard helping him to the infirmary.
Choas Babe chapter 5 . 3/1/2008
Good thing this happened before Ronon joined the team. Discharge, not so much. Dismembered, most likely.
lindajrjt chapter 5 . 1/27/2008
Good adventurous story. Goes to show one does not always realize what one is capable of when necessary.
corneroffandom chapter 5 . 12/23/2007
Ok finished it now. Just wanted to say love this fic! :D
corneroffandom chapter 1 . 12/21/2007
-I'm sure things will improve, right?-

... Ok that's not good. When YOU say it, it's NEVER good. lol
Raiining chapter 5 . 8/15/2007
Oh, good story. Got the link from sga storyfinders, just so you know.
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