Reviews for Looking for the Right
PrincessPonine chapter 1 . 8/4/2019
I think this is not only EXTREMELY well-written, but very characteristic! It’s really worth noting that Enjolras is not the perfect angel the fandom portrays him as. He could be as cold and calculating as he was hot-headed. Prouvaire died and the first thing he thought of was that they had to kill Javert. If I was Combeferre, I would lose my cool too!
Unicadia chapter 9 . 9/26/2016
I have no idea if you're still around, but I need to say this. I am a book/musical purist, BUT I do find AUs very interesting, not in the sense that "this is the way it should have been" but more of the "what if" approach, and obviously not to be taken gospel. I love this story for these reasons:
One, your writing, while in need of a bit of revision for words that got missed when you typed this out, is beautiful. Your style is simple, yet lovely and poignant. Captivating.
Two, I like this aspect of Combeferre which is rarely touched upon in fanfiction; his dislike for violence. It's in the Brick. He preferred natural change to force. This story is just taking it a little further, "what if" Combeferre let that side of him rule.
Three, I just love your Javert. He's . . . I'm not even sure how to describe him, but I love him, and I don't usually love Javert.
And four, kudos for taking on a possible darker nature of Enjolras! I know he would never have done this, but once again, it's an aspect of him you've expanded, "what if" Enjolras loved his Patria so much he was willing to do anything. Yes, it is a little over the top, but sometimes we need a little over the top so we can answer those "what ifs".
All that being said in this perhaps unnecessarily long review, well done and please continue. *favorites and follows*
Guest chapter 8 . 8/22/2014
I value different point of view your giving on this story, but I personally think it's extremely ooc to have Enjolras be this coldhearted person and especially to have Combeferre practically hate him. He is Enjolras' guide and lieutenant for a reason. Enjolras was stoic and distant, yes, but he loved his friends and he didn't want them to die for the republic. All the Amis knew what they were fighting for and they were all willing to die for the future they fought for. They weren't pions on enjokras' game. They were passionate young men fighting for a future. To portray them as anything else is a dishonor to their characters, I think.
Mlle. Verity chapter 9 . 4/13/2012
Most excellent. I revisited this by chance and was delighted to find that you had continued it. I hope you may see fit to finish it at some point.
Oh for chapter 1 . 1/22/2012
I pray you're just taking the piss with this fic.

Shouldn't this be labeled under parody? Or satire? Good job in completely destroying all the characterization Hugo had of the Amis. You've managed to take a group, united unto death, and completely massacre them. What a repellent story.
Heavenly Hooves chapter 9 . 1/2/2012
Awesome! :)
anon chapter 9 . 3/24/2011
What happened to the Javert-y goodness? Normally I am a strict book-purist (except for AmZ), but yours is *funny*! And (somewhat) law-abiding! Write more!
MamzelleCombeferre chapter 9 . 11/11/2009
I almost started crying here at the end. Why haven't you finished this? I am dying to hear more of the story and then I am dreading the destruction, but I am mostly wanting to hear the end of this glorious madness. Please continue.
MamzelleCombeferre chapter 2 . 11/11/2009
Coufeyrac was so...I don't really know what to call it, but it was very poignant.
otakuusa chapter 1 . 9/16/2009
very refreshing to see 'ferre-chan finally lose his cool :) he always seemed kinda 2-D, all calm and collected. i will definetly keep reading :)
Carmina Burana chapter 9 . 12/12/2008
I just wanted to leave a quick note to tell you how much I enjoyed this story. I love your portrayal of Javert. I hope you continue this marvelous creation.

Subia Jasmine chapter 9 . 9/17/2008
Just a guess, but are all the ABC boys going to abandon the barricade until Enjolras is th only one left?

This is lovely, by the way. I hope you are inspired to continue!
Bramblefox chapter 9 . 7/30/2008
Ooh...this is quite suspenseful! Are you going to continue this story? It's a very interesting take...and I am very fond of your Javert. Adjusting the clock and exuding coolness all the time...very nice. *applauds*
Ignored Genius chapter 9 . 7/18/2008
I'm so happy! A really good story starring my favorite character-Combeferre!
Cecilia Carlton chapter 9 . 7/14/2008
I'm so glad to see an update!

I like the new development as well. Excellent final line for the chapter. :)
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