Reviews for Time for a little Something
Subakun-sensei chapter 1 . 4/18/2017
Really nice fic !
mel2932 chapter 1 . 1/23/2017
Wonderful story. I laughed my way through this! Thank you!
ece23 chapter 1 . 6/20/2009
Aw, such a cute read! So that's what happens when Hutch eats sugar... funny! So sweet of Starsky to take him to Disneyland. I loved 'Small World' - now the song is in my head :) I remember the cartoon Aristocats movie too. Really fun story, thanks! You are the best banter writer ever ;)
TeacherTam chapter 1 . 2/28/2005
Hi, Buddy! *hugs*

First of all, I have to say that the reviewer who said that "The Aristocats" wasn't released until 1990 is *SO* wrong. It came out in 1970, with Scatman Crothers as Scat Cat. Since Scatman died on November 22, 1986, it would have been impossible for the film to have been made in 1990. Don't worry, Jenny; you were right! :D

I loved that you included a little bit of Starsky's notorious knack for mispronouncing words, such as, "argo," instead of "ergo." SO cute! :)

Hee-Hee! "Thomas O'Meally" is the first clue! And of *course* Hutch doesn't catch the reference! :)

"It's time for a little something." *huge grin* Such a great Pooh reference!

You're the greatest author, of any genre, and I *so* love this story! :D I can't *wait* to show "Small World" to *you*! :D
LilStripedTomato chapter 1 . 2/24/2005
Oh, I loved it! It's so cheery and upbeat! And it made me sing 'It's a Small World', much to my roommate's chagrin! :) I myself have never been to Disneyland either, how sad. Same goes for Disneyworld. At least Starsky got Hutch to go, clever little devil, isn't he? One thing, though... O'Malley and the Alley cats weren't around back in the 70's, the movie the Aristocats was made in the 90's. Nevertheless, very good idea! I hope you make another fun-filled S&H adventure, perhaps to Sea World next time? Or maybe Six Flags? Anywho, keep up the good work!

Toodle-oo and view halloo,

Nicola chapter 1 . 1/22/2005
Congratulations on a wonderful and skillful piece of writing. Dialogue and characterization in this story are absolutely on target. This is a true "I-can-see-it-in-my-head" work, and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it.

Thanks for sharing it with us.
Nash Carter chapter 1 . 1/22/2005
just had to tell you again how much i enjoyed this story. you really have the guys down to a t. their banter is so *them*, i can really see it all happening in my mind. (except that i've never been to disneyland, either :
Starsky's Strut chapter 1 . 1/22/2005
Wow! That was funny. A very cute story!

Now the world knows why Hutch 'hates' sugar. *VBG* I think he should eat it more often. *Grin*

I loved that Starsky made Hutch go to Disneyland, using a ruse of looking for 'Pooh Bear' *wink!* *Giggle* Pooh *Laugh* *Giggle some more*

And them singing "It's a Small World" at the end was great!
Timmy chapter 1 . 1/22/2005

What a sweet story, and I can tell you, Starsky fooled me too. I did believe they were on a case or at least supposed to be. LOL I'm also glad you're back on the writing side. Hope, we'll see more of you soon! Thanks for sharing.

Machaggis chapter 1 . 1/21/2005
It's great to read a story from you again.. I've missed you, and the stories:) I love Disneyland, and I love the guys. So you put my two favorite things into a story! Yea! I really loved Hutch on sugar and Starsky pointing out that it makes Hutch act like him! Very funny!
A-blackwinged-bird chapter 1 . 1/21/2005
Excellent as usual... 'cept for one thing...

Australia IS a place where dreams come true! (At

least, plenty of hot guys come from there...) lol

Great job, fast moving and VERY funny.

Thanks for sharing.

Rebelcat chapter 1 . 1/21/2005
That was very funny! I particularly loved how Starsky handled the bank.

Poor Hutch on a sugar high was great, too.

Kreek chapter 1 . 1/21/2005

It's so good to read a story from you again! I had so much fun reading this. You write with such realism and good dialogue. Thanks for sharing.
