Reviews for Deep Thoughts
omasuoniwabanshi chapter 1 . 7/21/2006
I liked this. It was simple, clear, direct and easy to understand (unlike a lot of poems these days!). I may not have seen the particular episode of SK that it's based on, but the emotion behind it came through very well.

Good job!
Banrock The Destroyer chapter 1 . 10/9/2005
Is it that guy who's always telling stupid jokes?
TamerTerra chapter 1 . 8/16/2005
Poor Lyserg... It kind of links back to what Yoh said - 'If you do this Lyserg, you'll destroy your own soul!' (when he was about to kill that Egyptian God-guy) - It's ironic that what he fears for his friends could easily become his own fate...
Alex Warlorn chapter 1 . 5/27/2005
Liserg(sp), obliviously, the X-Laws, ARE the Japanese artist's/writers way of bashing western faith (in spite of that faith being world wide).

But to Liserg's credit, the X-laws are the only group that Yoh HASN'T tried to understand (heck, he's even tried to understand why Zeke does what he does and talk him out of it without talking DOWN to him) or reason with.

Oh, the POV itself? Even without mentioning the names I could tell it was Ligserg, You took apart his personality perfectly. And what he's willing to do, whose he's willing to sacrifice, to prevent Zeke from killing anyone else. But will Jean dispand the X-Laws once Zeke is dead?
Jen-Tao07 chapter 1 . 1/24/2005
Is it the little snot-haired traitor aka Lyserg?
To Die Laughing chapter 1 . 1/23/2005
I don't nessicerily understand what'sgoin' on, but it sounds sad...
soccer-cutie67 chapter 1 . 1/23/2005
Its LYSERG! Duh lol! When he joined the X-laws! It was yesterday's episode! Lolz! Very good idea. I really feel what Lyserg feel through this poem. Keep it up!