Reviews for Damaraseru
Junipertree chapter 1 . 6/17/2007
I am trying to think of something constrictive and coherent.

I am trying to think of something constrictive and coherent.

I am trying to think of something constrictive and coherent...

I am failing. XD I mean it when I say this is one of the best SO3 fics I have read, ever. Great characterization and writing, smut WITH LUBE that actually had a reason to be there (as opposed to the classic, 'oh look! I have some lube in my pocket, whaddaya know!), keeps sharply away from yaoi stereotypes...

Gyah. I am muchly impressed.
Emegee chapter 1 . 12/9/2006
See? You ARE an amazing writer of...this stuff! This AMAZING stuff! I mean, holy shiznits! that's just way good! I love the details...-~*
siverrain chapter 1 . 10/19/2005
yum...good ficcie! I can't write lemon...*sobs* but I'm always happy to read the ficcies of people who can. I obsess over this pairing. They are total opposites, just perfect for each other..AlbelFayt goodness!
kelihexson chapter 1 . 9/8/2005
nice job :) i love the fayt/albel pairing
SleepingChaos chapter 1 . 8/26/2005
Wow... I'm speechless. Your writing style is gorgeous, and your vocabulary is refreshing! I absolutely love the way you write! - Keep it up!
Pelafina chapter 1 . 8/18/2005
This is one of the best stories I've ever read. Your writing is refreshingly vivid, it oozes passion and intensity. Excellent work.
VIII and XIII chapter 1 . 7/19/2005
Wow. Seriously impressive writing. I've read your other story and both were extremely well-written. I was very pleased to find an actual good writer on the Cesspool of poorly constructed stories that is
EvilEatingSanta chapter 1 . 6/7/2005
*drol* HOLY...MOTHER HUBBARD! Are friggin...GOD or something? No, no Santa, that would be blasphemous...BUT SERIOUSLY? Like...just...*starts cackling insanely* Wow. Umm...moving on...How's the weather? NO, but this story just..made my life. Not enough AlbelFayt stories that have sex in them that are written well. Most of them are just like...sort of creepy. But...deary me, this one is like...a hallucination. Am I high? ON LIFE! WO. I thank thee for this SECOND AlbelFayt story. this website would be less without them. :):):) XDXD
Hikaru Irving chapter 1 . 5/27/2005


That was . . .GODLY! ;;
Sakura Igarashi chapter 1 . 5/17/2005
Finally, a -real- hardcore AlbelxFayt lemon fic. Perfect, your way with words made it all seem so natural for the two. The only thing that erks me is the present tense format, I've never been fond of that, but I can deal with it just to have read this brilliant work of yaoi fiction.
SHINYAyaoi chapter 1 . 3/20/2005
OMG this is great! *_* I can't wait to see more Albel x Fayt from you! Fanfiction needs more of this stuff! D
Kira Da'lani chapter 1 . 2/27/2005
Yeah *glomps* AlbelxFayt O_o This is the first good fic of this pairing I've been able to find. . . . (I haven't looked that hard -) Your writing style is quite poetic and very enjoyable - (I keep trying to spell able Albel o_O)

~ Youko

P.S. Do you have any reccomendations?
Italinese chapter 1 . 2/15/2005
T.T wow ur are so talented i was like drooling and everything *claps for joo*update soon pleaz!
Chlover chapter 1 . 2/9/2005
Oh my gosh that was a great way to start off! That was the first SO3 ficcie I had read, and WOW it was hot. You seem to have a vast vocabulary, and you put those words to good use... That is a very praiseworthy thing in my books. I'm a word nut... lol and I'm a big Albel fan... You are officially the first SO3 author to go on my author alert list!

Eerie chapter 1 . 2/3/2005
Nice. This was fun to read. Thanks for posting it! Although...I'm pretty sure Albel's eyes are red and not blue. But other than that, very hot. _
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