Reviews for How Tracey Came to Be
Anna10327 chapter 1 . 4/24/2014
OrcaMafia chapter 1 . 5/19/2013
Oh man, this is hilarious. Ironically, Tracey is my favorite Pokemon character... But I just cracked up when you mentioned his "slingshot" headband attack. Priceless!
Make FFN Sensible Again chapter 1 . 5/16/2011
funny and entertaining

the only criticism I have is the usage of the word 'fag'. 'Fag' is a very offensive term.
can't think chapter 1 . 11/5/2007
HAHAHAHAHAH! *dies laughing!*

wait, why is he gay but likes drawing naked women? oh well!

“Tinky-winky attack!" HAHAHHAHAHAH!

lol, okay i don't hate tracey or anything but that was funny
Midnight Trainer chapter 1 . 11/30/2002
NOTE: This review is a complete flame. I think.

This was so stupid! Tracey is really, really nice, he doesn't draw Hentai, you pervert, because he's not like that! Maybe in your perverted, sick mind he does, but that's just you and about 1.3 billion others! Everyone else doesn't think that! Either that, or they don't know who he is...


UhOopsIforgot chapter 1 . 11/27/2002
hehe, funny. but your'e going to make people mad with that purple triangle thingy.
no one in particular chapter 1 . 11/24/2002
HAHAHAHAHHA! OMG! I CANT' STOP LAUGHING! I like what Dexter said about Tracey. So he used to be a Venonat? Wasn't expecting that...GOOD JOB!
SmashTurnip Girl chapter 1 . 5/24/2002
I'm a huge fan of Tracey but that was so cool! _
XoShOrTiEoX chapter 1 . 5/23/2002
Tina Qubik chapter 1 . 3/27/2002
Well, THIS STORY RULES! I love it :-)

I hate Tracey with all my heart, so this was a really good stuff for my eyes. Such a crazy idea, but very good. Keep on going!
Leothenite chapter 1 . 7/6/2001
pepper from SaltNPepper chapter 1 . 7/4/2001
haha salt u crack me up...i remember when u told me this story on the phone...tracey is definatly a fag and of course would therefore need a fag stone to come into but i think we should not only make fun of him, but kill him in our next fic...a slow. painful..agonizing death...need motavation for writting a tracey death fic? he took away your brock...your brock left because of him... tracey is the cause of brock's farewell for more than 15 episodes...and instead of flirting with women he *drew* them...there that should definatly get u going...
DragnBlak chapter 1 . 6/10/2001
I am not here to flame. Everyone has a right to their opinions. But I read your disclaimer and wanted to ask you one thing. You say you never watched Pokemon until Tracey was gone. How can you hate someone, even a cartoon character, you never got to know?
TogepiShells chapter 1 . 4/9/2001
very funny and original thanks dude
Mondolia Willowbreeze the Warrior chapter 1 . 4/2/2001
LOL! LOL! LOL! (and more) LOL! :wheezes/gasps hysterically while trying to calm herself down: That was quite cheering! I loathe Tracy with a passion, and I hafta' admit-I was angry when Brock left, (to stay with that what's-her-face-Professor Ivy-the woman with a protruding masculine chest, (just like Gymleader Prima)!), I mean of the Twerp Trio he IS the most decent...or in other words the best of the Twerps! Who cares if constantly slobbers over every girl he meets! Brock is definootely, infinitely better than-not intending to offend any homosexually inclined people out there-that goodie~twoshoes gay Tracy! So there!
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