Reviews for Blind
phaisty chapter 17 . 12/20/2010
why haven't you finished this story!I love this many do i'm sure, please finish this...please...please...pretty, pretty,pretty,pretty,pretty,pretty pleeeaaassseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
faramor chapter 1 . 10/5/2005
ho ho ho,. i'm liking it!
amytira chapter 17 . 6/14/2005
Wow this is awesome update please! *holds out plate expectantly*

Is Alexander gonna be there for the apology at the metting? Like sumthin came up, or he needed to talk to dear daddy or sumthin? What excatly will Heph do? How will Alex react to Heph's apology?

So many questions n thought bubbles so little time! XD This story's extremely... uh... page-turning? LOL well update already you havent updated in foreva!
gabo0 chapter 17 . 3/29/2005
Hi again!

I had the alert for soo long..

Anyway, i liek the fact that Hephaestion sees himself more as a man.. that's cool

Please, psot mroe soon.. the apology!

Julie chapter 17 . 3/18/2005
I'm so happy you updated - I love this story! Great chapter...I love how Heph as backbone here
mamanchat chapter 17 . 3/18/2005
So Komadori pulled you out of some kind of a writer's block? I thought it over, why Hephaistion opening that door for Philip didn't disturb me. And the answer is written right there: “I am sure not all of your common sense has left you, and you will let your king in.” As if a door was going to stop Philip. As if it could protect Hephaistion.

I understand what Komadori is saying. But I think us modern day people may have a little trouble understanding what it was like living at a court and being confronted daily with *your king*. Today we pay our taxed by internet, back then the king's men came to claim it directly at your place. Think about it. Your king decides you are to be raped. You can try to flee, but if he's already outside your door, you are doomed.

Hephaistion is confronted with the violence that was part of people's daily life back then. He's is just naturally responding to it. It's not that surprising to have him get out a knife. It's surprising that Alexander seems a bit startled by it (“He had never considered the situation to be as bad that... his friend would kill.) Young men (and women) had to grow up fast in those days. Alexander was 16 when his father left him as a regent in Macedonia. He took off on a raid against the Maedi.

I’m still curious to find out if Alexander will accept Hephaistion’s humiliation.
Valo chapter 17 . 3/18/2005
Poor poor Phai... I don'tlike them being so upset *sighs* Write more more more.
lvingphai chapter 17 . 3/17/2005
WOW. i like Hephaistion's change in this chapter. He is really a grown man now.. Show spirit! Great job ..
Millienne chapter 17 . 3/17/2005
Suilad penneth,

well love you know that I like this story and that I'll keep reading it. Sadly I have no oh-so-helpful hints for you at the moment, but I'm glad you aren't as stressed anymore now. *hugs*

Let's see... Phil is still an asshole, I'm glad that my sweet little Heph is getting a bit more emotional and I think I caught up on the last chaps now. :) Hopefully they won't get into too much trouble about the apology.
Nicholas chapter 16 . 3/16/2005
Hi there...

I have just found this site and your fics as well, and read these 16 chapters in one go. I have to say that you really have me caught up in your plot and I really like what it's written so far. I'm surely waiting for the next chapters and I can't tell you how much I hope they's come soon!

I enjoyed pretty much everything I read but I have to say that the way you portray Phillip is specially interesting. I had never read any other story taht had him so fully looked at. I mean, he's usually shallow and sort of a pure form of evil. But not in this one. In this one he seems to be more of a human being and I really liked it.

It's also interesting to see that there's also a pratical concern about things. I mean, Hephaistion is not only worried about his position in Alexander's bed when he becomes King, but also his role in his commanding office and that is really refreshing.

All in all I'm hooked on this one and I can't wait for new chapters.

Hope you're feeling better, as I've read you had a flu, right?


komadori chapter 12 . 3/14/2005
This chapter was my favorite - it's excellent. Wonderful romance - you are one of the few authors to have successfully interwoven the Illiad references. It wasn't shoved down the reader's throats; it was delicately brought out for a poignant effect. I love what you've done with the story, and I hope you continue writing it. I was only skeptical about some of the characterization, especially in chapter 16, when it looked like there might be reconciliation.

If Philip's greatest power over Hephaistion was fear in regards to Alexander, that should be over now, since Hephaistion explained everything to Alexander, and Alexander proved his devotion. It's Hephaistion's willingness to allow Philip into his room that just boggles my mind. I mean, I suppose I can buy the reasoning that he can't refuse a king, but Philip in your story hardly acts like a king. And again, Hephaistion's servitude comes across more as naivety than obedience.

If anything, Philip acts like a complete idiot. As does Hephaistion. I can't figure out which one is more of a dolt. Letting a potential rapist into his apartment, while completely alone, I just wanted to kick Hephaistion in the head. The one time that happened to me, I locked the entrance to my house and called for help. Not that we are the same person, but for the love of pita bread, it's such a dumb move for such a smart character! Where's the cunning youth who seduced a prince?

I don't think his deferment to Philip can be written off so easily as "duty to the crown" or devotion to honesty and morality (in not lying about his relationship with Alexander). Where's the Hephaistion who, in history, wrote Olympias a letter telling her to step off, because nothing was more important to him than Alexander? Far be it from me to call the shots on how you choose to characterize or the events you place in your own story, but it didn't particularly set right.

And I wasn't particularly fond of the antagonizing of Pasaunias, either. I think he came across as petty. While I enjoy Alexander in the hero position, I think he could stand some extra layering. Who knows, maybe I'm speaking ahead of myself? You seem to be doing that whenever he comes into conflict with his parents (or on that rare occasion, Hephaistion).

On the other hand, I thought the characterization of Olympias superb. You conveyed an intricate character merely through dialogue (with Philip and especially Alexander). And not only that, you made her unconscious of her duplicity.

I can't wait to see how everything unfolds, and I would even recommend making this AU for the remainder of the story so that real events don't completely constrain your direction. You have a mature story with complex characters.
Nadja Lee chapter 16 . 3/13/2005
Wonderful work! I love it. *blows kisses*
gabo0 chapter 16 . 3/5/2005

I can finally read it! Loved Hephaestion.. and Phillip wasnt a complete idiot after all. I had the idea o him being some kind of.. rude and though and primitive guy. but, I dont know, maybe hes not that partial.

There's more? or not..

Loved it anywya!

lvingphai chapter 16 . 3/4/2005
Very nice chapter and really worth for waiting.. Glad that you are working on this story again..
Mara chapter 16 . 3/4/2005
I'm glad that you've updated again. Good chapter. I hope you'll update again soon. )
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