Reviews for A Ray of Light
Rosimae chapter 9 . 9/9/2009
Yay! I loved it! Do another sequel! Pretty please!
Rosimae chapter 8 . 9/9/2009
WOW! I have to say this was amazing! There are so many stories out there about Yugi being abused and orphaned, that after a couple dozen of those stories, you're ready for a change, and this was it! I loved it, and you kept to the characters of Yugi and Yami really well. Kawai, so cute! Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to read the sequel! :)
NaotoShiroganeFangirl1990 chapter 9 . 8/30/2009
wow. this story is amazing.
Atemu Yugi Lover34 chapter 9 . 7/19/2009
I thought it was a wonderful ending! Great job!
RosutoKi-chan chapter 9 . 7/12/2009
I just have one word to discribe this . . . KAWAII! -.- This beats the last ending BIG time! Also, for your challenge I think I can name the cards Yami drew (not in order of course):

The Dark Magician (Two words . . . NO DA!)

The Mystical Elf (Not too hard to figure this one out, you NEVER forget a card with the charater in BLUE skin! Trust me!)

Change of Hearts (Half my sketches are based on this card, I'm not letting it get by me! It's my favoirte card after all!)

Polymerization (The ONE-BEING part gave it away, it was a tough one though . . . I probably wouldn't have understood it then the words "flames" and "clouds" came in . . . XD)

Can't figure out the last one though, trap card right? Never paid attention much to a card like that. Wow . . . It's been a long time since I read YamiXYugi, I was busy paring up Harry Potter and Lord Voldemort (I've been pairing up the mortal enemys cuse' IT'S SO MUCH FUN! :D I CAN JUST PICTURE THE ACTORS CHASING ME AROUND WITH CHAIN SAWS FOR THIS! XD). AND I DON'T NEED A THERIPIST! I already have a restraining order from every therepy building in the U.S XD! I'm sure your readers are glad to know you improved the ending (I'm happy about it too :D). I liked it! Though you could still continue it if you wanted to. O-O THE SEQUAL IDEA WAS FROM ME! . . . This is the first time I've done anything right since nine eleven :D (I was VERY smart for a toddler at the time . . .)! XD Well, gotz to go torment small children! JA-NE (Bye)!
malfoysdaughter chapter 9 . 7/5/2009
I LOVE IT! You did an absolutely awesome job with this! Please, please, if you EVER get the chance, write another story.
malfoysdaughter chapter 5 . 7/4/2009
...*sniffles* I normally don't review until the end to say what I really think, but I had to say that you did an AMANZING job with this chapter. It's sad, and tugs at your heart. I like it.
tinkletimekelly chapter 2 . 7/3/2009
Story is fine. So far.
tinkletimekelly chapter 1 . 7/3/2009
Good start!
MzNightmare13 chapter 9 . 7/3/2009
I loved the ending!
deathnoteno1fan-codegeasslover chapter 8 . 6/12/2009
This story was so butiful *sniff*

RosutoKi-chan chapter 8 . 4/24/2009
LAST CHAPTER? Your joking right . . . please tell me your joking! If I don't fing a sequal you will have to suffer the rath of the angry fangirl of doom! _ Im going to look for one now . . . (Okay normally I don't get mad like this, BUT YOU DON'T LEAVE PEOPLE HANGING LIKE THAT! If I don't find a sequal . . . well . . . you better hope so . . .)
FifthDayOfMay chapter 1 . 1/11/2008
I absolutely love Yugi! XD he ish the worlds sweetest person, okay, so maybe thats an exaggeration. But still! I am very adament in my Yugi love fest. Cool chapie, i'm very much looking forward to the rest.
ShiftingWinds125 chapter 8 . 7/3/2007
I loved this story! Please write more stories!
luvanime4life chapter 8 . 11/22/2005
That was AMESOME! Hope to read more of your fics. Keep up the fantastic work. :)
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