Reviews for Android
Mage-of-Souls chapter 4 . 5/17/2006
Oh no! Poor Naruto!
HaruNatsu chapter 3 . 8/12/2005
Ramen...hmm...I know why chibi-chan like it...

What had Oroichimaru done to Naruto-kun? What will happen next? I'm getting curious, so, please continue soon...
HaruNatsu chapter 2 . 8/12/2005
Nice've done a great work...

The way you put the lyrics is brilliant. I like this.

Keep working!
HaruNatsu chapter 1 . 8/12/2005
Nice AU...I like this.

Good character development. A strong point.

Fresh idea. A nice story.

This is a good story, and you must keep writing!
blisblop chapter 3 . 7/5/2005
This is a really cool idea.I like sci fic you.
Guest chapter 3 . 5/18/2005
Yeah! Another chapter! It was soo COOL! Naruto is really afraid of Orochimaru! I can't wait to find out why! Just out of curiousity, I was wondering...why would Orochimaru would have anything to do with Naruto? Isn't Naruto a normal human being? Unless, there is something more to Naruto...because Orochimaru would not in my mind mess with a memeber of a rising star unless there something special about that person? I just wonder if Naruto still has the powers or something? Or did Orochimaru do something to Naruto because he was just a VERY SICK PERSON!
Yaoilover S chapter 3 . 5/15/2005
Hm, why do I have a feeling that Orochimaru might have a connection of Naruto's death?...oh no! Sasuke! Get Naruto and run away! (or at least forbid Orochimaru to see Naruto ever again...) Protect Naruto! o
Lady Samurai chapter 3 . 5/15/2005
Did Orochimaru and Akatsuki have something to do with Naruto's death?
iNuaMa chapter 2 . 3/4/2005
yay! way to go! cool! naruto is so cute and childish! i like it.. by the way, have you already got idea for the ending? plz continue...
Yaoilover S chapter 2 . 3/1/2005
aw! so cute! I love the way naruto is so childish and all...I wonder how long Sasuke will be able to hold back...~o~
mbueno chapter 2 . 3/1/2005
I like it
k-tiraam chapter 2 . 3/1/2005
Aw... so sweet. 3 Naruto-chan really is cute! An android, huh? Very original. I haven't seen any SasuNaru-fic such as this one. _ Good job! I like this one! Hopefully you'll write about how the original Naruto died? *sniffle* A lil' tear appeared to my eye when I read the first chapter... ;.;

Anyway, keep up with the good work and post the next chapter as soon as possible! _
inusama d gunyu's chapter 1 . 3/1/2005
nice! yay, long live NaruSasu! it's so nice... you're great, mr. producer! congrats...
Guest chapter 1 . 2/28/2005
Hm...interesting...I just wonder what kind of android is Naruto...and did they share that type of relationship when they were young...and will Naruto's past of dying has some secrete as to reason Naruto was made into android...
xxSNOWxxDROPxx chapter 1 . 2/26/2005
gr8 story, plz update soon
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