Reviews for Telling Tales
Minecraft Guardiansaiyan chapter 11 . 5/13/2014
...Thanks for getting Backpack and Gear along with Richie into this story...totally worth it and well written with lots of metal hugs and feels!
Daisuke Kazamatsuri chapter 11 . 8/6/2009
Well, I don't know what musical the name came from but I'm going to take a wild guess that Fiyero is Ht Streak. Anyway, love the story, can't wait to read the sequal.
joe chapter 10 . 7/29/2009
You have Talon everywhere-but when she falls out the window she doesn't fly back in all that time to see what's happening. how unlikely is that? it's obvious richie is mentally impaired with multiple personality syndrome_if not-that's what you're making it sound like. maybe he got to be mentally ill because he inherited it from his father who is obviously mentally ill.

makes me wonder if someone who writes a story like this might be mentally ill.
Joe Smith chapter 7 . 7/29/2009
the fact that richie is a genius and still puts up with abuse and goes to k meetings doesn't make sense. you keep on saying in responses to reviews that these kids are only 16; but richie's mind/intelligence is way beyond 16-plus he's linked with a computer whose programmed with logic to a fault_not letting the emotions of a 16 year old cloud it's logic circuits. and talon just happening to be there where static can't see her; but she can see static. wouldn't the computer know she was looking at them-all it would have to do is beep and extend it's red eye or arms to her hiding place. talon doesn't know the computer is an artificial intelligence or that it has feelings for its creator-so why would the computer comforting the victim/richie; make her think the victim must be gear-because otherwise the computer wouldn't be doing that. it could very well be programmed to supply aid and comfort to all victims. also about the school and noticing richie's being beaten they would have called the police also-especially since the school has suspicions that the beatings have been going on for months/years. they wouldn't sent richie back into that house without contacting the police. because they could face a lawsuit if richie got badly hurt by his father-because they knew and didn't take the proper precautions. and if the school didn't do it why wouldn't virgil or mr H call the police and report it if they wanted to protect him so much. there are other examples of you avoiding logic; but i can't remember them all and i'm not going to go back 6 chapters to look for them. i only now decided to mention it because after continued avoidance of logic and ridiculous reasons to avoid such logic into the 7th chapter-i just couldn't hold it in anymore and had to mention it.

also you said richie's dad was the one doing the whipping and then you said richie's dad was one of the men coming down the stairs with a knife. you wrote about richie's dad playing with the belt why they questioned richie. and static finding richie in that condition-in the emotional state he was in_i would think he would send electricity into those metal objects the men were holding and electrocute them; maybe even blow up the building with a nova blast_he's just discovered that these people are responsible for 9 years of richie's suffering and if his father weren't in it; maybe richie wouldn't have had to go through 9 years of beatings. plus; he's black and they're k...yeah, i would think he'd blow the building up-

also your story is not labeled correctly in the summary. you have it as general/romance. it also has angst/rape of minors/torture/violence/and lots of other nasty things.
Zayroen chapter 11 . 7/18/2009
I like this story but that last chapter through me for a loop, it was like it was from the wrong fic and you put it in their by accident and havnt realized it. Mind explaining it to me? Where did Fiyero come from? what about Richie's parents and the K? And the issue with BP and Gear? Theres a huge chunk just...missing and its really confusing
Zayroen chapter 4 . 7/18/2009
I like this story, i really do but its rather confusing on the time-lines. its like im reading a few different fics at once
Avalon chapter 6 . 7/8/2009
This has got me on a emotional roller coaster...I love it so much O_O
yumi2482 chapter 11 . 4/6/2009
Liara-Shadowsong chapter 11 . 2/27/2009
I had such a hard time figuring out what was real and what wasn't for the first ten chapters. I'm still not sure I have everything straight. But, y'know what? It was totally worth it. Great story.

Now, as for the epilogue... I don't get it. Mostly due to Fiyero. The name is from Wicked, I figured out that much. But who is he? That I'm not certain of. The only candidate I can come up with without being an OC is Hotstreak. I mean, he did go by F-Stop for a while to avoid the name Francis, which he hates. But... well, I'm still confused by eleven.

Overall, though, awesome story. I'll just puzzle over the epilogue for a bit, and then maybe go and see if that sequel you mentioned is floating around where I can find it.
Viviane Renard chapter 11 . 7/14/2008
First off, I want to tell you that I have enjoyed reading this. You have a way with words and characters, and representing the traps of miscommunication combined with good intentions. I found myself really liking Backpack, just because he was trying to do what he thought was right, but in some ways -he- was the one most prone to accidentally hurt Richie.

On the flip side, I'd like to say that parts of the plot confused me greatly. I couldn't get a good feel of the plot timeline, and in all honesty when the plot switched over to the 'hey, we defeated Brainaic-for real! this time' I once again thought it was another dream. That meant that half a chapter later I was playing catch up, trying to reconfigure all the information of that chapter with my new perspective of 'oh, he really was defeated.' For me, the plot didn't clearly explain how Brainiac was defeated, and so I had trouble sorting out fact and fantasy. I did enjoy the dreams, and the confusion I felt made me sympathetic to Richie's own confusion. However, when my puzzlement makes me unable to follow the plot I think it's taking it a little too far.

Hm...did you get the name Fiyero from the book "Wicked"? (Great book, by the way, if you haven't read it-and if you did get the name from that book, then I'll take it you read and enjoyed it. Wizard of Oz with a twist so much fun. :) ).

Good job with this. I like a complex plot. You had to juggle a whole lot of perspectives, and while there were a few snags, its an ambitious venture and I can respect that. Maybe next time just try to give each narrator's section more of a 'voice.' You know, use their slang, tweak the levels of vocabulary to show their various levels of intelligence and personality mindsets.

"Marigold" by Falaphesian is a wonderful, amazing Kingdom Hearts fanfic that shows a story told from two different first POV perspectives, with amazing contrast of the 'voices.' Even if you haved played KH2, maybe give her story a look to see how she does it. It's an AU anyways, so it's a great story just in itself. It could be an enjoyable learning experience. :)
Elladan Seregon chapter 11 . 11/28/2007
This fanfic is so bizzarely FASCINATING! Confusing, of course, but interesting nonetheless. Partway through the first Braniac induced nightmare, I was suddenly reminded that it WAS just a nightmare! [laughs] I completely forgot it was a nightmare in all my worry for Richie and Virgil.

Also-Telling Tales. Isn't that from Wolves of the Calla by Stephen King! YAY! Someone else has read that series! I come across so few fans of the DT series, it's depressing. D

Anyways, kudos to you for this spectacular work of SS fanfiction!
Pixagi chapter 11 . 10/1/2006
Okay, first. Fiyero? I've realized that that would be Hotstreak, AKA Francis, AKA F-Stop(LAME!) but why did you name him Fiyero? Is it because he seems to HATE his first name, and perhaps grown to realize that "F-Stop" was incredibly stupid and obviously made up by middle aged white guys who have no idea what their doing?

Other then that, I am utterly in love with this story. You style is a-fucking-mazing. I felt EVERYTHING the characters where feeling, lost and confused just as Richie was throughout the fic. Half the time I found myself wondering "Is it real? Is it a dream? Or maby it's Brainiac...?" He's a rather useful character, isn't he? If you need something to further the angst, use the thing that WON'T STAY DEAD!

Oh, and that whole shite with Richie's dad, the K and everything was awesome. Especially how you tied in the think with Klux into it being apart of Richie's fears and what-not. Awesome Awesomness.

Also... I'd like to point out that Virgil's hair is locked, as in dreadlocks. Not spikey.

Yeah, that's all. Over and out.
Generally Maz chapter 11 . 10/13/2005
That's fantastic! Fiyero, Gear and Virgil all together!

Lovely ending, will be reading the sequel.
Skizz chapter 11 . 9/19/2005

Lady of the squirrels chapter 1 . 7/22/2005
VERY GOOD! I LIKE IT! (and that's saying a lot because I don't like static shock a ton)
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