Reviews for Darkness and Light
Guest chapter 45 . 4/26/2019
This best Riddick story I've ever heard or read, I thank you for your time to do this Fanfiction.
Guest chapter 45 . 2/24/2019
I hate reading new stories, you never know if it's going to be worth it or a waste of time. With this story, once I started I couldn't put it down. When I had to, I'd obsess about it and look forward to the moment I could break free from life and dive back in.

It's so well written, I would forget that I was reading a fanfiction and not a digital copy of a published work.

I've known of this story for so many years and it was always on my list to read. I should have read it the instant I knew about it. Fantastic job!
Guest chapter 45 . 1/13/2015
This was amazing. Truly I should give a more detailed review because just saying amazing doesn't quite do it justice. Thank you for sharing this story.
Deaths Gate chapter 26 . 3/23/2014
ok, i have to stop here and say "HELL YEA" go Riddick !
so far, this has been the best piece of work i've read. i'm a huge fan of the riddick series, and have read quite a few stories from this website, with almost all of them being incomplete and left at a cliffhanger.
again, EXCELLENT work here, now i will continue on...
Gasoline Diamond chapter 6 . 11/3/2013
Wow, this is really good!
This is the first good Riddick story I found on here, so far! _
DisseveredAngel chapter 33 . 10/30/2013
I am very much enjoying your story, but I am having trouble finding two things in events in this chapter believable (and yes I realize this is a SciFi story). First off, in cryosleep people don't age, so for their bodies no time passes. As such it is impossible for a pregnancy to progress in cryo (f it did progress, the mother would be in danger of dying from malnutrition and dehydration as her body sacrificed itself to the making of the baby). That is the whole idea of cryo sleep, that while under in cryo there is no aging, thus no hunger, thirst or muscle atrophy. Secondly, while I get there being a timer to wake Kyra from cryosleep on her cryo chamber it would be incredibly unlikely for the there also to be a protocol that set her free. Mercs are all about the payday. If something happened to them while she was in cryosleep they wouldn't care that she couldn't escape from her restraints. They would want to keep her locked up at all costs (no matter how severely they underestimate her). I hope this is coming across as constructive, I will continue to read and enjoy your story despite my current concerns.
Tiggeroids chapter 45 . 11/25/2011
I can hardly believe this is your first Fanfic! it sticks close to the movies never letting the slip out of your mind as you read it, brilliant fantasticly written, a few spellingthingys but in the end who really cares the story is to me the best riddick fanfic i have yet to find...and i am obsessed with them!
jenefaner chapter 45 . 6/7/2011
Wow, I cant believe this is your first fic. It was EPIC! I LOVED it! You are an incredible author!

Ive got so much love for this story, that Im not even sure what to say. Im speechless. lol. It really is that good. I cant wait to read more. I hope you are still writing. FFN needs great authors like you. :D
Hikari no Minerva chapter 44 . 2/24/2010
Ok, this is the BEST Riddick story I have ever read thus far. You totally captured both the characters ttraits that endear them to us and the emotions behind their descisions without flaw. Thanks for writing this and I hope to see more out of you soon!


RangerBatmanBabe chapter 45 . 5/29/2009
This story was wonderful! FYI check out ! Riddick is back for another movie... rumors are that it will be Riddick going to get Kyra back!

Cheers and thanks again for a great story...
KageOkami-Kogo chapter 45 . 4/21/2009
Although it would have been nice if you didn't advance time so much in some spots, extending it instead and maybe making the story longer in the process ;P that was an incredibly AWESOME story! And written so well too! I loved it and I'm very disheartened that it's over D: - Great job! :D
dancer in the rain chapter 45 . 2/5/2009
amazing story i loved very much this story was one of the best that i read abaut this pair i loved becauce you didnt make readick fluffy i hate when autors made that and i loved how you made realantionships between ridick and kyra progresing slowly and how they undestand what they mean each other you have beutiful gift talent i loved your story very much
aihsatan27 chapter 45 . 1/7/2009
wow what can i say but wow. it was fantastic. i see such talent from you. i thnk that you culd go back and put more into the attack on the necromongers i would love to read more of it if you did. have you ever herd of doctor who? is shows on bbc america and pbs. if you ever reserched (wtched) the eisodes and characters, and made it a stry revolving the doctor and rose from 9 and up i would so read it. hint hint

i love your style of writing.
Rianeliza chapter 45 . 12/14/2008
For a first fanfic, this is pretty rockstar. I would never have guessed.

Really enjoyed it.
angel2goddess chapter 44 . 6/19/2008
Wow... that is all that I can say, wow... this story is sublimely written, and in such a way that a movie was playing in my head... you should seriously consider submitting this as the next two Riddick movies, it is that good... if this was your first fanfic, I can only imagine what else is in store... Awesome job, and keep it up!
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