Reviews for Heritage
Taggg chapter 7 . 1/16/2016
Why Gwen couldn't believe she can influence the storm? She did exactly that in situation with Norrington... or is it just emotions and disbelief?
Anyway, I will be glad if/when you continue)))
NataCara chapter 7 . 9/6/2014
Just a casual suggestion, but you should finish this story.
StartingAtTheEnd chapter 7 . 8/4/2013
My gosh. I have to say this is probably the most interesting out of the three stories that go along with this. I do hope you can update soon. (Even though it has been a while.)
JohnnyDeppIsMine chapter 7 . 1/18/2012
Tsk, Jack always has navigation problems when trying to save a drowning person. He should get that checked out. I love this story. Please update again.
sunshinegurl chapter 7 . 7/27/2011
Wow! These stories are great! Please update soon. I need to know what happens next!
Verily chapter 7 . 6/8/2011
I found your stuff after your last update a few weeks ago, but found that I had to go back and read 2 other complete stories before reading this one. Your work definitely gets better and better throughout the three stories. Here are my thoughts on your most recent update, and then I'll try to keep up from here on out. I like that you seem to actually have some character arcs, which is uncommon in fanfiction.

Adriane: I went back and immediately re-read the scene where Jack was telling Gwen that their flight was real and that the uncle was really after them. She did seem to calm down only when they were thinking about flying. The rest of the time, the baby got increasingly fussy as the parents got more upset. Is she some kind of telepath or empath or something?

Jack: I think it's true to character that he's not actually as reckless as he may seem. The fact that he doesn't want to rush into a dangerous situation (the uncle) that he doesn't understand while he's got more important things to worry about makes sense. I like that he's able to take the magic stuff in stride (after all, he's been cursed before), but he wants to understand how to use it. So his arc in this story is about growing into his sorcerer shoes? Or is it about parenting?

Gwen: It looks like she's falling apart here. Her morals and emotions and decision-making seem to be flying out of control as she's put under more stress and gets more confused about the magic stuff. I didn't get it at first. Thought you were writing her out-of-character after so long "off." But I like the idea that she's just not coping well with all the weirdness and is reacting badly.

Elizabeth: Totally in-character for her to have a caper trying to undermine Jack.

Magic: I like the whole notion that this magic is gradually building and that it's not well understood. You could have just started with story one with them doing crazy things skillfully. I like that it's a slow progression of feeling out what their powers are and how to use them. Spot on.

Looking forward to more growth along these lines. Loved it so far!
Ashi-Grey chapter 7 . 6/8/2011
eepp! wrong ship, jack!
McNuffin chapter 7 . 6/8/2011
Curiouser and curiouser ... This magical connection between Jack and Gwen is truly fascinating! And what about Adriane? Is she a good luck baby?

I do hope that this good deed doesn't see Jack condemned once more.

Thanks for updating.

Hoping for chapter 8! :)
falconsshadow chapter 7 . 6/7/2011
the pudding thickens...

i would leave a sensible review, but i stayed up far past my bedtime to read this. D (considering it was past when i saw the update..)

more soon, i hope!
Ashtore chapter 6 . 5/28/2011
I had forgotten I Favorited this. I read it when it first came out a week ago but rereading it now I love it even more. I really enjoyed all of your stories and will probably pick them up again...later. :)
meggannn chapter 6 . 5/17/2011
I'm very grateful to you for updating this story! I didn't believe you ever would, but I really appreciate you taking the time to finish it for those of us that have interest. I myself have been in and out of the Pirates fandom for years, but the new movie has resparked my interest and I'm pleasantly surprised to find a new chapter for this fic.

Your writing is still beautiful. I'm very impressed with the way you manage to keep everyone in character while throwing them into all of these wild situations.

I read the note on your profile about your displeasure with people adding your fics to archives, and I realized that I think I'm guilty of just that. A few months ago I made a list of personal fanfic recommendations (for friends to look at but also for my own organization so I can find my favorites again), but after reading your note, I'll take your works and your name off of my list. My biggest apologies.

I do hope you can continue this soon, but if the inspiration drops again or it comes down to real life getting in the way again, I completely understand and wish you the best. Thank you for not forgetting about it, at any rate!


The DuTchess of Doom chapter 6 . 5/17/2011
Dear Delphein,

I never - not even in my wildest dreams - thought you would actually update this story. Actually I thought you'd given up on it. Six years is a really really long time! Glad to have you back!

I love your writing! I've missed it so much! This chapter was eerie and exiting at the same time... Now I'm hungry for more! Hope you get the reviews needed in order for us to feast our eyes on chapter 7.

However, due to absence on your part and longing on my part, I suggest my review counts for at least 6 :-P

Hugs from Holland,

The DuTchess of Doom!
time4achange chapter 6 . 5/17/2011
Yay! You updated! Thank you! Please, please, please update again soon. I can't wait to find out what happens next. I want to know how everyone will react to seeing Gwen all better and I want to know how things go with her and the baby. And of course I want to see how the adventure unfolds. Thanks again!
Ashi-Grey chapter 6 . 5/17/2011
Aww please don't hold the next chapter for ransom! At least, if you do, I hope that ransom's paid quickly :)

Loved this chapter, really interesting about the whole healing/becoming a bird thing that' going on, can't wait to see how it works out! Was the baby alright from the fall?

Please update soon!
McNuffin chapter 6 . 5/16/2011
*does happy dance*

Thank you so much for updating. This absolutely made my day.

What a wonderful turn of events. As soon as I realised Jack wasn't acting like a lost sheep, I figured he planned to do something like what he did, but I didn't expect the whole flying thing. That was great and the whole one-flesh thing. Great stuff.

Can't wait for the next installment.

All the best and happy writing


P.S. I have it on good authority that the new movie is great and that Jack is back to his Curse of the Black Pearl gloriously piratey character, so I do hope you go see the new film and enjoy it! :)
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