Reviews for Nightmares
Guest chapter 1 . 12/9/2019
Smexy Kitten chapter 1 . 11/11/2012
I loved reading this nocturnal interaction between Goku and Hakkai. Hakkai really does understand and empathize with everyone and he's great at it. At least his words have given our sweet monkey some comfort :)... This really is a fantastic introspective/extrospective read!
bardalicious chapter 1 . 2/10/2007
That was good, I WUV HAKKAI!
Me-Nuriko chapter 1 . 11/24/2006
The fears they have, Hakkai's strength to find the right words to comfort Goku, excellent described. You found the right words, too, creating a perfect understanding of their emotions and feelings.
Eyes of Shinigami chapter 1 . 11/23/2006
*is completely and utterly in awe* Wow. That was a beautiful story. The way that you portray Goku and Hakkai, especially Goku, is just f-ing incredible, for lack of a better phrase. Your writing style is exquisite, and your story flows beautifully. *cheers* I just happened to stumble across this rifling through the C2 communities, and I am very, very glad that I did.

Beautiful, simply beautiful.

Kryscylla chapter 1 . 3/20/2006
that was awesome...I almost cried here in the library.
AShauni21 chapter 1 . 1/4/2006
I love it! You almost never get to see the serious and more complative side of Goku. You also never see the complex realationship between Goku and Hakkai explored like this. You did such a wonderful job of writing them. Both were IC and writing an angsty Goku is not the easiest to write. Great job!
61743 chapter 1 . 3/10/2005
What a wonderful story! I'm glad you posted it. :)

I like how you bring out the fear these two share, and the constant nightmare that lurks just under the surface.
narrizan chapter 1 . 3/9/2005
hey there, i love your gaiden fics. you manage to capture the characters' essences and environs truly. eg, waiting for dawn and this one is reminiscent of tactics. like a new life clutching at straws to recall a previous one. s'good. do you think you will continue the stories of those within castle pine's walls? i like that one too. much love zan