Reviews for The Sketch Book
sAiToU MiWaKo chapter 1 . 5/1/2008
This story is so KAWAII! LOL... Yoh tripped coz Ren and Horo were unconscious because of kissing and not breaking for air... but really... you're very good!
I-use-this-for-the-bookmarks chapter 1 . 8/24/2007
o...m...g... KAWAI!

omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg i love this! you are a GREAT WRITER, i have read a LOT of your stories and there al really good

this one is AWESOME, keep up the good work, you should really write somemore of Horo and Ren
little noadsey chapter 1 . 5/13/2007
ahh i loved this story its so sweet i want those pictures!
xXChibiTeapotXx chapter 1 . 3/22/2007
Aw I hate Horo X Ren pairings but this one was so cute
Mrs Asakura Hao chapter 1 . 11/16/2006
hey, mr jason! get this into ur narrow-minded mind.

man's best frends are dogs, gal's best frends are gays. you got a prob with tat?

n since u hated this so much, y did you read it? if your so damn good, show us a thing or 2! dun started sitting there infront of the computer n flame this story if u friggin hate it n start workin ur ass off of an YAOI fic! it is the author's wish to put wad eva they want, n it is not u, a reader to flame it jus because you fcuking hate it n thinks if its sissy!

sry to be rude n nasty but, obviously, u duno one thing about manners. you are jus plain rude. n if u wana be rude, get the hell outta here! i sincerely hope u read this.

p.s. to the author -sry for this review even though it has been a yr oready, but i felt a need to give tt ignorant guy a scolding. but aniway, it was cute i luv yoh's reaction in the end! super cute x infinity
yue no rei chapter 1 . 4/23/2006
haha cute oneshot
Shadow Kitsune67 chapter 1 . 4/5/2006
LOL. Kawai. X33 Hehe. LOL. Yoh's reaction. LMAO
Velox chapter 1 . 3/16/2006
That was so cute.0 Hm...I have a weird hankering to draw now...

Too bad I dont have a scanner though so I cant publish it. Anyways good job!
thoughtless dreamer chapter 1 . 11/16/2005
Oh, my God, that was the most kawaii thing I've ever read! ~_~
Jason Robertson chapter 1 . 8/24/2005
Well, I've got a thing to say to Ms. Kittyduck. It's bit of advice from my dad from a German war flick:

"What does not kill you makes you stronger."

I don't despise homoerotic work. I despise work that is poorly made regardless of what it is about, thank you very much. And yes, I investigated a large majority of the signed reviews on this story. All of them were the same screaming, Yaoi fangirls that I thought they were, with the exception of one college girl who practiced in a Pagan cult. In any event, they know that they will have trouble ever earning reward known as the touch of man-sex, so they have to read of it, even if it sucks. I know of sissy guys, yes. I know of emotional guys, yes. I know of artistic guys, yes. But all of them are still competitive in some respects don't like to be referred to in girly ways. (There are guys that act like total losers in that respect.) But two feministic, heterosexual guys? Who are warriors, on top of it all? Nope. They don't exist.

Notice you said "somewhat" false. This is, I think, because you suspect that I may be right, and my comment just hit a little too close to home. But you can't say I'm right after I just might have hurt your pride as well as the pride of everyone who read that story and like it simply because two guys made out, now can you? I also could not help but notice that you had nothing to say refuting the fact that the story was poorly set up and offered little for the readers to refer to as far as an actual story.

I'm sorry if I've offended anyone, I truly am. But this is genuinely not a good story. Call me a pervert, but I have read erotica before, and some of it is genuinely good. In my writer's opinion, this is not at all.
Kittyduck chapter 1 . 8/10/2005
I've read a few stories where Horohoro sometimes has a sketchbook. Does he actually like drawing? I liked the part at the end where Yoh says, "Alright, who did it?"

And to Mr. Jason Robertson over there, here's a bit of advice my Mom told me to remember from the movie Bambi:

"If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all."

I mean come on, you read a story of a genre you despise and you flame it. Then you flame other readers of it, saying that all yaoi fans are girls without boyfriends. Well some do have boyfriends/girlfriends, are married, or they could even be a guy themselves who likes yaoi, which means your discriminatory statement there is somewhat false.

Oh, and not every guy or girl has to follow a set way to act. Guys can be softies or toughies either way. It's just how it is.
I dont know chapter 1 . 7/24/2005
Jason was right except for one word: "conssumption" should be spelled "consumption"

and oh yeah: The idea of guys and guys is a VERY no prospect.
Tristan from camp CSB chapter 1 . 7/22/2005
You seemed weird but normale at camp but now i think you are a bit of a freack.

hey change the subject



Jason Robertson chapter 1 . 7/22/2005
Alright, here's the only bad review on the message board...buckle your seatbelts, kiddies, 'cause I have a thing or two to say about this:

It may just be because I'm a guy...but this story isn't really deserving of a K rating. K indicates content appropriate for children under the age of ten. I know when I was a kid, I wasn't reading stories about homosexuality. And it's not my business whether or not you care about which sex is with which, but you should also be aware that some people do when you write these things, especially if your work is not going to include a disclaimer.

Now about the literary value of this story. As far as I've seen, it has none. The entire focus is about getting these two girly men to get their tongues down each other's throats. Also, the part with the milk and cake and made the story longer than it should have been, because all of it was unnecessary. It was just the author's way of building to the moment when the guys kissed each other(which was surprisingly short, considering what the focus of the story was!), but was arduous and boring. There's no backdrop to any of this, no engaging dialogue, and no well-defined plot. In fact, I wasn't aware that this was Yaoi until these two buttercups started going at it!

Also, I need to say something about your male protagonists: they don't act like guys. At all. In fact, the only way you can tell that they're guys is because of the fact that you use the pronouns "he" and "him". And I've never read Shaman King (maybe they're supposed to be sissies), but these guys are supposed to be warriors or heroes or whatever the word is, right? Well, they don't act like it. 'Nuff said. And boys don't use the word "cute". Ever. Except when they're being condescending about something. If you need examples of how real guys act, please email me. I have stories that can give you a pretty good idea of that for sure.

So the final word is: it's a Yaoi, and by that I mean that it's a shallow story meant to make fangirls with no chance in hell of EVER getting a boyfriend horny. But, unfortunately, gay guys don't date girls, so you're out of luck there as well. So as far as its purpose seems to serve it well, according to all the other reviews, which are laden with overused Japanese expressions and chat abbreviations. I'm sure everyone of them are the girls I just spoke of.

Final word: I give it 2/10. Poor set-up, poor character depth description, and the only positive point was a little bit of background info as an attempt to clear up an already unclear story. And, of course, it was Yaoi, which I don't particularly care for.

Oh, and you want a disclaimer suggestion? Here's one:


icy mew kris chapter 1 . 6/9/2005
Yay we! I'm a Yaoi Fangirl I'm a Yaoi Fangirl! I just love hororen their the perfect yaoi couple I have ever seen,oh and I saw that picture you described on google I clicked on it and it took me to a website full of hororen pictures I loved the website so much that I almost printed all the pictures on it because I couldn't stop looking and them! I LOVE HOROREN!
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