Reviews for Through the Sea of Memories
lizzy chapter 14 . 1/11/2015
Thank you for making me lose some tears...
I can't actually describe what I- .. I don't know what...
Lady Evans Potter chapter 14 . 5/8/2009
Damnit, why?


Fine, I admit. This story made me cry, and even though I love angst stories, it's easier said than done to not cry. But it's well written, and that's what makes me read it untill the end.

I must admit, I hoped that Tyson would survive. But I suppose I should have known that it would not happen.

I enjoyed it very much, even though my teacher's looking at me as if I'm weird for crying silently in class (!).

I love your writing
immortal Sesshy-sama chapter 1 . 3/23/2006
The feeling that you put in this fic is marvellous!The sensation is too strong!I loved it!
Kasugano Kanako chapter 14 . 10/14/2005
maybe you might not answer me back but i will tell you this anuway...

i like your story in the begining.

i mean it was so .. i dont know it had something... i felt as if you were writing... my story.. today at school one of our boring teachers(_)told us of a story about how a boy help a nerd boy with his book his was carring because some mean boys drop them all out of his hand(i didnt understand myself)he became his friend and he turn the nerd boy into a more social and popular boy. when they graduate three years later the nerd boy was the one select to do the good-bye speech(thats how we say it)and he told a story about his past.. how one day when he finally decide to kill himself he clean out his locker so his mom wont have to go and do it herself(ah, he loves his mom)in the way those mean boy drop the books and how a boy help him out and started talking to him and becoming his friend. because of the other boy the nerd boy change his ming about life and try to live. maybe forsome it may be stupid(almost half of my class didnt pay attention)to me it came like a cold water. your story made me change my mind about my life. about how i decide that i will not care about my papa because he doesnt care about me since mama die(my mama die in august so i hate august)how i hate rainy days even though when it rains i always go out(it sort of helps me to cry in peace since no one will ask me because they will think is because of the rain)i... want to... i mean tha-.. arigatou... really... maybe you might never have thought that your story would do this but it did.i change my mind. maybe papa wont care about me no more he will just care about his family(he got married again)but i wont give up that easily. i will fight to live to show mama that i can. just like kai( his my favorite character.)i will look upwards... see my mama smile.. hold her hand... and stand up...cause i know that i still can go on.. i wont give up.. i cant give up yet.. not yet.. i will continue walking in this earth to find what im looking for... even though i still dont know what it is.

arigatou gozaimasu...

atte: aiori flores

p.s: maybe you have noticed it but im mexican so i sort of dont know how to speak english that nasai
Kaay-chan chapter 14 . 9/1/2005
*CRY* That was so sad! Sorry, but this is gonna have to go off my c2 community now. Death fics aren't allowed, unless they both die. *sob* it was still good though.
Hiyami chapter 14 . 8/20/2005
T-T You killed Tyson! Wah... *Sob* You know, you have a very funny way of showing that you like Kai. Touturing him and stuff. I'm kindah a little like you though. I torture my favourate stuff toy eg. useing it to hit my sis. Hehe - So I can't and won't complain 'bout you tortutring Kai. It feels nice to torture someone though, wheater emotionally or physically. Oh...and I won't kill you. I've haven't seen the need to do so. Besides, if your dead, who'll continue writing? So, your still safe. As a saying goes; all good things must come to an end, so must this story. It has been a pleasure reading it, though not so much of one waiting for the chapters. Till your new story, JA NE!
Plushie Heartless chapter 14 . 8/19/2005
This is the saddest thing I've ever read. Thank you so, SO much for writing such a heart-wrenching piece. I'm glad I got to read it, even if I DID start crying at the end.

...You are THE hardest person to write a review for. Number one. Why? Because it's *perfect*...


...need chocolate. _;
Plushie Heartless chapter 13 . 8/19/2005
'“If I could…I would stay like this forever,” Tyson whispered, “It would be nice…”'

Plushie Heartless chapter 12 . 8/19/2005
*all-teary-eyed* Well, I finally worked up the courage to read this chapter... ;_; Loved and hated it,
Tuatha de Danaan chapter 14 . 8/19/2005
Heh heh...I'm crying.
perishedlove chapter 14 . 8/17/2005
Ohh. Another sad ending. I got so close to tears it was majorly scary. But girl this story is awesome! I loved it, but I was disappoonted that you killed Ty-chan. Oh well, the ending is much better this way even if its depressing. I can't wait to hear from you again. Great Story!

Lady Kirei chapter 14 . 8/16/2005
Aww, Timberwolf, that was so BEAUTIFUL! *wipes away tears from her eyes* That was a great way to end a TRULY great story. *sniffles* I really did love it. Please keep writing. *smiles and bows* Bye for now.

Lady Kirei _
waterlily chapter 14 . 8/16/2005
i... feel bad... about... tyson and kai (what abnormal person wouldn't?) and about... not crying while reading! i don't know why, but i wanted to cry but i didn't even feel enough sadness to give me the slightest urge to weep. but anyway, the fic is good. great, even.

glad to know kai's moving on, but i'm sure he'll never forget

and just so you know, i think fire is beautiful so i liked that bit, and i was listening to simple plan's "perfect world" which sorta fit in with the occasion.

great story and congratulations on completing it!

now i have to get on with completing mine own...
Omnimalevolent chapter 14 . 8/15/2005
(I listened to Aeromith's 'I Don't Want to Miss a Thing') Wow, excellent! That was so perfect. *sniffs a little* Kai was so perfect. I loved the thing about dominoes in his life. The layout was so great! The interview.. *squees* Really set the mood. And all the memories! *dies* 'They all couldn’t be like Max.' For some reason I just loved this line. Is this fic on my Favourites? It so should be. *adds to Fav*
Yazzy chapter 14 . 8/14/2005
I don't know what I'm more upset about, the chapter or the fact that it's over! A briliant ending. Well done.

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