Reviews for Lynchpin
AnnaTracy chapter 7 . 12/18/2016
Protecting their brother? See it more like their father.
Fianna9 chapter 10 . 9/9/2011
Ratchet truly is important to the Autobots, and it's always fun to read a story which shows that.
Bluebird Soaring chapter 10 . 11/20/2007
I've got a new favorite Ratchet story! And from beginning to end this flows so well. Unique and a great balance of fun and drama )
Renuki chapter 10 . 10/27/2007
I laugh at the 'cons misfortune. :D

(Yay Ratchet is still alive!)
Celestial-Lorekeeper chapter 10 . 6/23/2007
Nice fic! heh, I honestly think things would've gone -worse- for the 'Cons if Ratchet had actually -died- (they should thank Primus he didn't; they'd be out for more than just severe payback, they'd be out for a death for every drop of energon Ratchet had in 'em, lol) And it's always good for the Medic to see how much people like him.
Kenya Starflight chapter 10 . 1/22/2007
Excellent once again.

You never realize how important someone is to you until you almost lose them... and you never realize just how strong you are until you and yours are under fire.

Thanks for not killing Ratchet, BTW. Even if he's a bit of a crab, I like him. :)
Lizzy chapter 10 . 10/9/2005
I really loved this story. a very good job well done.
Cat in the web chapter 10 . 5/8/2005
Thats really good! I enjoyed reading it!
Tirya King chapter 10 . 5/8/2005
Excellent ending. It all wraps up nicely and connects some loose ends we see later, like how Perceptor becomes a bit of medic when he used to only be a scientist. Though I do wonder what a drunk Prowl would be like _
PuraJazzBot chapter 10 . 5/7/2005
and so it ends... and ends brilliantly well.. Jazz was awesome in those closing scenes..
Draange chapter 10 . 5/6/2005
Yay! Drunk autobots at a party, what a mental image :)
Tiamat1972 chapter 10 . 5/6/2005
LOL! Gotta love Jazz. A great ending to a great fic. Thanks for responding to my reviews but I agree with Straya. Thank you for writing all the excellent fics.
Straya chapter 10 . 5/6/2005
*APPLAUSE!* Didn't get around to reviewing the last chapter, although I did read it, so I'll review that and the epilogue this time...

Nice little battle sequence you put together in the last chapter. I'm especially fond of Soundwave and the cassettes being set upon by "the Minibot contingent"...good stuff! XD Excellent bit of epilogue, also, what with the a few of the guys holding the little discussion after the party. Drunken Jazz...hehehe.

And I think that while you gave thanks to some of us, we also owe you thanks for writing and posting such a great fic. Definitely hoping to see more work from you in the future...keep it coming! _
Uftaki chapter 10 . 5/6/2005
::grins and applauds:: Wonderful wrap-up to a wonderful fic... :3 Very heart-warming... :3 How all the 'bots want to protect Ratchet, trying to think up ways to do that, and help him. :)

::giggles:: Why is it no surprise that Prowl'd be one of the -few- sober 'bots there, at the end of that party..? XD And, by contrast, Jazz incredibly tipsy? X3 *lol* VERY cute interplay/scene there.
PuraJazzBot chapter 9 . 5/1/2005
hehe cool... nothing like pissed off Twins.. i thought they'd have gone for Starscream instead though.. glad to see Ratch's ok... umm.. more?
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