Reviews for When Darkness Surrounds Us All
SevmyLuv chapter 28 . 7/15/2017
Is this fic a HarryxVolde? If not, then no comnents. But if it is, then I must say that I regret coming across this one. The only reason why I even chose to read this cos I thought it was a HPLV fic but all I'm reading is freaking romance between Harry and Ginny( I still don't get why would anyone want to date someone who physically looks like their parents.. disgusting ). Anyway, if this is a HarryxG centric fic then just ignore this comment.
sunneedee chapter 2 . 9/15/2013
Note - Bellatrix was not formerly known as Lestrange. She used to be Bellatrix Black and after marrying was called Lestrange. Just an error I saw at the beginning of this chapter.
Wolvinheart chapter 28 . 12/14/2006
Brilliant story! I usually hate canon pairings, but you made me hope for Ginny and Harry early on. Ron is one of my least favorite characters and this story made him seem like my favorite, if only during reading your story.

I'm only studying for my SAT's and already sleep very little due to insomnia, so I'm used to it and have trouble updating so I can't imagine how hard it must be for you. You're one of the better writers on this site in my opinion and as long as you update at least once a year and don't abandon this story I'll be happy.
Flensa chapter 28 . 12/18/2005
I loved this chapter i can't wait for the next one.
evolmonkey1096 chapter 28 . 12/5/2005
Hey Bird... gonna update? Is there more? I'm waiting patiently...

Oh yeah, and whose the english major now, Bee-atch? :-p

;) just kiddin. Ya know I luv ya.

See ya sometime

Ber (a HISTORY major)
creativesm75 chapter 28 . 11/23/2005
interesting and continue please
dnd4ever chapter 27 . 10/14/2005
Andy Birkenfeld chapter 2 . 9/28/2005
Damn Bird i always knew you were a good writer you got me hooked on the book after th first chapter and its 12:47 am your better than i thought
Susanne Temple chapter 26 . 9/25/2005
I just finished reading what you have of your story so far and I thought it was great keep updating and ill keep reading

Kara chapter 2 . 9/12/2005
Hey Bro!, you've done a great job on this story and i know your next one will be as good! when i get the time to read your story i will! LOL like there will ever be time to read a book! LOL i've got alot of time i just dont like reading as you know! well i guess ill ttyl ok bye Jared! I LOVE YOU and MISS YOU SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO MUCH! LOVE YA YOUR ONE AND ONLY SISTER,

Kara Linn Bird
old-crow chapter 2 . 9/5/2005

Great start to a story. I think your introduction was spot on. At this point in the series, it is a war story. There may be romances, mystery, and adventure along the way, but people will die. JKR has proven the wizarding world to be a very deadly place.

If you have time in between chapters, I nave a new HBP story, Tom and Harry. I always enjoy reading feedback from other writers.

Best wishes,

The Hour Before Dawn chapter 25 . 8/23/2005
Amazing story so far. A little confusing in parts. Like when you change from one scene to another. Possibly mark in between changes if they are in the same chapter? Other than that, great job and update soon! Have fun in college.)

Iaveina chapter 2 . 8/22/2005
:o RON NO... Aw poor Harry, he needs a hug...
Chris chapter 2 . 8/16/2005
Hey!-I finished the first chapter! It's really good! I'm so proud...the English major got an early start. HeHe. Anyway, I really liked it. I'll have to keep reading on it-probably a little at a time. Things are about to get really crazy here in a few days! Anyway, e-mail me some time if you can. I'll tallk to ya later!
Benevolent Abyss chapter 24 . 8/12/2005
Great story, keep up the great work.
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