Reviews for A Comedy of Cliches
Panther Eyes chapter 6 . 10/8/2006
ok... this is freaky.
BuckNC chapter 6 . 4/4/2006
I read this entire ... fic. Congratulations you added all the cliches into a story that you and a few weirdos view as funny. Odd the only funny part I read was when you change Draco into something less evil. Then you followed it up with him being nice, then back to being evil again, then nice, then evil... Gee I wonder what will be next?

Ahh... I feel my head groaning in pain after reading this. Tell me do you actually write anything that would be considered good? Do people above the age of 14 send you e-mails requesting that you post something? I would be really surprised if they did.

This is comedy... not the dry british sort but comedy? I can see how your repetition of the Mary Sue line or the shock of Professor Dumbledore marrying Dobby might be considered funny to some, but the image of Hermione sleeping with Draco tends to make most people want to hurl up breakfast.

Here's a crazy idea, borrow some material from like a comedian who knows something about comedy and try to use that in your stories. Then who knows? Maybe if a pig flies backwards past your mobile home trailer park wearing a neon sign that reads "Eat Me", well then maybe you could be funny too.
Veritserum chapter 1 . 2/25/2006

blaise is acually a boy..unless you did that on purpose...


that was so funny
spiritedwings chapter 6 . 2/9/2006
so funny, keep it up
Lady-Delphinea chapter 6 . 2/8/2006
awesome! love it. update soon!
hermyandronforevr chapter 6 . 2/8/2006
Not the best chapter but still really funny. The whole Dumbledore/Dobby thing is so funny. Can't wait for an update.
dixio chapter 6 . 2/7/2006
Sonneponn chapter 1 . 2/7/2006
OMG great story, i love it! please up-date soon...

I have a question, just for anyone who knows it...

Does someone knows that story, were hermione is married to blaise zabini but het cheats on her.. And she ends up in a affaire with draco? If anyone does..could please send the name of the story to mail e-mailadress! thnxx

Any way keep up the writhing it's really good;)
Donivon chapter 6 . 2/6/2006
very well written, great plot(s), and very funny. update soon!
prince and princess of darkness chapter 6 . 2/6/2006
excellent plot! one of the best fanfics i've read :)a very hilarious teaser that could rival those of the best movie teasers-prince of darkness

great story, funny twists, i laughed so hard that my mom had to make me leave the room (with the laptop of course), can't wait for the next chap! good work!-princess of darkness
Adaire chapter 6 . 2/6/2006
WOW. This was.. funny.. and odd. And there are many more subplots now! _ Yay! I will wait diligently until the next chapter comes out... (;
pegasusbabi chapter 6 . 2/6/2006
well that was little wierd!but i still liked it.i'm kinda cunfused about he like poses her body or sumthing?anyways hope you update soon
hermyandronforevr chapter 5 . 1/26/2006
Awesome chapter. I continue to love the jokes about Blaise. Keep up the good work.
pegasusbabi chapter 5 . 12/3/2005
this is really funny. it's random and histerical. but im kinda cunfused. is mary-sue voldemort onder a glamaour char,m or was like in the room, some how or like in her head... but i really like it hope you post more ypou reposeted this story on my birthday wich i found totaly awsome
EldestDurk chapter 5 . 11/26/2005
Very Cool! Did I mention I love this story!
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