Reviews for Hear Me
lucimonk chapter 1 . 10/1/2010
this is absolutely beautiful. just how i want yukixkyo to be. omg. i'm going all fangirling. this is pure artssss
PocketxFullxOfxDreams chapter 1 . 8/20/2009 I'm not even sure how to start. Maybe with something like, that was quite possibly the BEST Yuki/Kyo story I have EVER read. This isn't even one of my favorite pairings, but that was simply amazing. I actually liked the second person point of view, you so rarely read stories in the point of view that this is refreshing. Kyo's sentiments on how everyone relates to him and treats him is so spot on, and the way his feelings about Yuki are expressed makes this seem like this is the real canon pairing. Yuki at the end is simply awesome, his actions and words even while they're kissing is so heart wrenchingly sad... especially where Kyo is expecting a negative reaction, and Yuki just... Even the title for this is perfect. Hana's expression of love was perfect as well. This is most defiantly going onto my favorites list. I know this is several years old, but I see it's not complete. If you added more to this, that would be awesome.
eishi chapter 1 . 8/26/2007
I think that this is the most realistic Fruits Basket fanfic that I've read in a long while. Kyo's feelings are very well covered, and nothing is exaggerated. And the way they say "I hate you"... Well, actually I've always imagined that if their pairing was canon, that would be their only way to declare their love. But, but: I had to stop and start again the sentences for a couple of times, and just because I couldn't get used to the second person usage. Still, I can't decide would the first person make this fic better or worse - so ignore me. Maybe it's just me who doesn't like the second person. Also, it wouldn't hurt you to change the status from "in-progress" to "complete", would it? Anyway, keep on writing! :)
truest-of-true-loves chapter 1 . 6/25/2007
BRAVO! that was really good.
Neiti Kyllikki chapter 1 . 5/20/2007
Woah, that was... intense. o.O;;

I love it!
4real chapter 1 . 9/28/2006
very deep... very lyrical... very captivating...

I really like your narrative style *_*

Very very true... Very very much like Kyo and Yuki...

This was beautiful

PurpleAjah chapter 1 . 7/27/2006
I love the style this is written in o.o Very unusual... n.n and well written. This really cool. Thanks for the good read. I actually think it is one of the most realistic yuki/kyo I have read.

Keep up the good writting!

...*goes off to visit your profile*

SexySesshieSama chapter 1 . 6/12/2006
this is really well written and really sweet. the most realistic YukiKyo I have ever read. i like how you made kyo's thought patterns, they all make perfect sense coming from his character. it's hard to explain without taking direct quotes out of the text-this is wonderful. you are a talented writer and you know your furuba well. good job.

i hope you write more! .
CheshireMiko chapter 1 . 5/17/2006
thats truly deep.
Sayonara chapter 1 . 5/5/2006
Absolutely one of the best Yuki/Kyo fics ever. This is exactly how I imagine Kyo thinks, how he quietly despairs, and how he loves. I love how you wrote it in second person. Perfection.
unheardscreamsNLI chapter 1 . 1/4/2006
I'm sorry, I reread your story after I reviewed. And I realized that my review was a complete peice of shit. This is, without a single doubt in my mind, the BEST Kyo/Yuki story ever. But even yet, that is not enough. Definetly one of the best fan fictions of all time. You probably tie with this other author, seoaru(I spelled it wrong, but it's something like that). The psychology and the thoughts are so goddamn realistic and in character, that it made me want to DO SOMETHING! Scream, cry, talk to someone, I was completely restless after I read this! It feels like something pulled out of someone's life. Everything was so well-placed and beautiful that it left me with a feeling I can't describe. Every sentence has something that sparks an emotion; and its hard to bear. This is truly one of the best stories I have ever read; If I had medals to give out, yours would be the top. Even if your writing is with the other top authors on this is by far my favorite story of all time. And now, I am going to go read your other stories. I want you to know, you have a major fan. I hope you make other Fruits Basket stories, it would be well appreciated. Thank you dearly for writing this story.

rAiNwAtEr chapter 1 . 12/30/2005
I am really interested in this story. Is this a one-shot, or do you plan to add more to it later? It is deffintly different from what I usually read and I find myself liking because of that. I wish you luck with any other projects you might be working on and hope you creat more Yuki/Kyo fanfic's in the future.
unheard screams chapter 1 . 12/13/2005

wow. that was incredible. im going to a muffin. keep writing. SERIOUSLY.
Ruby Love chapter 1 . 12/4/2005
matchynishi chapter 1 . 10/5/2005
I loved this fic. It wasn't odd at all - very well written, really. *Adds to alerts* Very, very cool.
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