Reviews for Let it snow
Guest chapter 1 . 8/8/2012
is this eroticism or an actual story? Seriously...
Killingmemory chapter 1 . 2/28/2012
I enjoyed this. It's nice to read a modern infusion that's both ironic ("In American dollars, which he uses to keep Elwing in Manolo Blahnik heels and Luis Vuitton bags") and yet nostalgic in its modern realism. I appreciated the sense of displacement and alienation that comes from modernity, especially filtered through an immortal perspective. The interactions between your characters were well done. Thanks for writing.
Maid of Imladris chapter 1 . 7/11/2007
Wow. I really, really adore your writing style in this. I'm afraid I don't have anything constructive to say, beyond the fact that I think this is a truly great story. Truly original. (adds to favorites)

Arthien1188 chapter 1 . 12/14/2005
What a strange, intruiging piece. It captivated me. I really like it, and it was interesting to see how Elves cope with our world. And I simply adore Maedhros and Fingon. Lovely.
Shihali chapter 1 . 4/21/2005
I like this story a lot - but for some reason the image I can't get out of my head is Fingon crushed under 600 pounds' worth of redheaded cousins. Strange, given that it's not even important to the story.

And yes, I'd like a sequel too, about what the other elves are doing in the modern world.
Vana Tuivana chapter 1 . 4/20/2005
Wonderfully well written, and a fantastic premise. *applauds; adds to favorites* I see this one is finished, but I wonder if you would care to show us the fates of the other Finwians? ;)
Unsung Heroine chapter 1 . 4/20/2005
Wow, this is strange... different... and at the same time I find I like it. It really feels a lot like Lost in Translation, there's that same feeling of detachment to characters' environment. I like that movie, its combination of sounds and amazing pictures. It's strange to actually see elves in such setting and surely a daring thing to do. Purists might not necessarily like it, but I definitely appreciate its experimental streak. Fine piece!
perelleth chapter 1 . 4/20/2005
Oh wow! I ran into it some time ago on your LJ and I was thrilled. It does have a particular beauty. I like this Fingon with his quiet ways, Thranduil with an eco-NGO, Earendil's airline and tirion empty, Gil galad trekking with Oropher (will he ever survive that trek, I wonder?)the tactile feanorians and Maedhros' impulsive, lively and life consuming attitude. Perfect, in my point of view, to the desolate end. "I have no place to go".Really like this Fingon that prefers to be led.

And I wonder what is Fingon reading that shows a more disfunctional family...Zelazny's "Amber Chronicles" maybe? Excelent job! it's sheer pleasure!