Reviews for 4 Out of 5 DADA Professors Recommend
Guest chapter 3 . 7/13
Another person who should be rotting in jail for life. I’m glad most people agree with me on this point though. Although I’m unsure why this bitch gets tons of hate yet the asshole scumbag of the dungeons has tons of fans. Stupid pricks.
Guest chapter 2 . 7/13
And I’m out. This writer seems to be yet another fucking idiot who likes snape. Snape has absolutely zero redeeming qualities in his first five years of Harry’s schooling. Except stopping the broom. That’s it. Harry would not in any way compliment snape. He has abused Harry, tortured Harry, and belittled and insulted Harry at every single opportunity both to his face and behind his back. No snape is a disgusting individual who deserves nothing but a very long stay in Azkaban or death. Anyone who likes and/or supports this murdering rapist is deluded, an idiot, or shares the same personality and sees nothing wrong with being subhuman scum. He has never been punished or geld accountable for his crimes as a death eater. He is not a good person in any way shape or form. Fuck all of you retarded fucking idiots who line and support canon snape. Hope you go to hell so you can learn the error of your way because you obviously are not a good person either. There are no excuse that can justify canon snape. None.
mcepl chapter 8 . 6/20
Just two comments:

* not only Dobby almost killed Harry when trying to protect him, Dobby almost killed Lucius Malfoy, the first class Death Eater and the fully adult wizard, when trying to protect Harry. What would Dobby do those who hurt his Greatest Wizard Master Harry Potter the Greatest?

* did I hear in the end of the chapter Ron and Ginny pulling out the Extendable Ears and rushing the stairs to steal their own copy from Hermione’s trunk?
stevem1 chapter 8 . 4/17
A quick and easy read where Harry opens a can of worms by being honest in responding to an essay.
Helene Nightfire chapter 8 . 1/25
Lots of fun! Thank you for the entertainment.
But what happened next?!
LadyJedi97 chapter 1 . 8/28/2019
This story came up as a suggestion on a Reddit thread. It is out of my normal vein, but really enjoyable. While it isn’t marked as complete, nor abandoned, it could easily end where it does now and not leave a reader hanging. That being said, if the author were to continue on, I’d be very interested in seeing where the story goes.
1AngelBaby11 chapter 8 . 6/30/2019
please update!
kurolothgarian chapter 8 . 6/17/2019
Unfortunately, the Ravenclaw House Animal is an Eagle.
Bad Wolf Jen chapter 8 . 5/6/2019
I really wish you would finish the story
Heart chapter 2 . 4/12/2019
Heart chapter 1 . 4/12/2019
Noice. Oh annnnnd the fact that Lupin became such a danger even when he was trying. Siiiiiiigh can't catch a break, ne?
Guest chapter 1 . 1/30/2019
Most of the chapter was good, as soon as you state the Rapist and the child abuser can teach it dye. Unless you are a Rapist and child abuser nobody else will see them as teacher, it seems you are part of that stupid group
BookAddict135 chapter 8 . 1/9/2019
I just found this fox on someone's rec list. I know it's been years since you've updated, but just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed this. Thanks for sharing!
duj chapter 1 . 12/31/2018
"Lupin tried to protect him"? Nonsense. Lupin cared more about keeping Dumbledore's good opinion than protecting Harry (or anyone else). Believing Sirius was a mass-murderer who'd killed Harry's parents and was at Hogwarts to kill Harry, did he tell Dumbledore *any* of the things he knew that might bear on how Sirius could get into the school, and even into Harry's bedroom, in the middle of the night: the Animagus form, the unblocked secret passages, the Marauder's Map surveillance tool? Nope, not one. For an entire schoolyear, he chose to leave the staff and students in danger by withholding vital security information.
Wolf of the secret Flame chapter 8 . 11/19/2018
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